Student Support & Resources
Admissions Office
The Admissions Department is your resource for everything related to getting into AAU and starting your studies. Whether you’re unsure about what major to choose, have questions about financial aid, or just want to know what life is like on campus, they’re here to help.
Registrar Office
The Registrar Office is here to guide you from your first class registration to your graduation. They can help you understand what courses are available, provide you with official Student ID and assist you with all necessary school forms and documents. Whatever it may be, our team are here to help.
Student Resource Office
Psychological Counseling
Feeling overwhelmed with class, your personal life, or just need someone to talk to? AAU’s clinical psychologist is here to help you deal with the challenges of university life and take care of your overall mental health. Counseling is available for free to all students, faculty, and staff throughout the year.