Graduate Program

M.A. in Liberal Studies

The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies is a two-year internationally accredited program offering a modern interdisciplinary liberal arts education. Graduates can earn both European and American globally recognized M.A. degrees.

Discover Humanities at AAU!
Accreditation WASC + NABHE
Degree Master of Arts
Duration 2 Years
Location Prague, CZ
Tuition EU 456 680 CZK
Tuition NON-EU 528 680 CZK
Intake Fall / Spring
Deadline Rollings Admissions
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About the program

The M.A. in Liberal Studies offers a balance of theoretical, applied, and multidisciplinary investigation into the humanities and social sciences.

This program is situated in Prague; students can immerse themselves in first-hand investigation of significant historical and cultural sites and centers of intellectual, artistic, and social change.


The overarching aim of the M.A. in Liberal Studies program is to nurture well-rounded, informed, independent thinkers and articulate communicators who can continue to apply their learning in a wide variety of fields throughout their lives. 

The program fosters intellectual curiosity, flexibility, and a breadth of understanding of diverse perspectives and areas; thus, it serves to counterbalance increasingly specialized and fragmented trends in modern education and nurtures versatile, thoughtful, and engaged citizens capable of making meaningful decisions for their own lives and valuable contributions to society.

The School of Humanities provides the means for quality study with competent professors, small intimate classrooms, and all necessary materials like textbooks available for free. But what books yield in ideas, Prague bestows in experience, and studying at AAU confronts you not only with new thoughts but also new ways of life. You will interact with diverse students and faculty from far afield and reflect upon your own life and the culture that shaped it, learning of its failures and unconscious assumptions, while perhaps appreciating its strengths and insights. You’ll be book-wise and world-wise. You’ll be more mature and confident. You’ll certainly be all the richer for it and none the poorer.

Richard Sovitzky, Humanities, Society & Culture, USA

Students have the option to pursue a broad interdisciplinary master’s degree or to specialize in one of the following areas of study:

  • History (including art history)
  • Literature
  • Human sciences
  • Philosophy

The program culminates in a colloquium at which students present their work alongside faculty and invited speakers in a professional forum. In addition, the curriculum offers numerous elective courses in which students can explore their interests. 


Classes, taught by accomplished international faculty, are small, interactive, and culturally diverse. Courses are taught in a seminar format to encourage scholarly investigation, critical thinking, and thought-provoking discussion. Graduate students cultivate research, writing, and presentation skills in preparation for Ph.D. studies and/or a wide range of employment possibilities in cultural institutions, national and international political and humanitarian agencies and NGOs, international business, cultural diplomacy, educational institutions, media and communications, writing, publishing, and editing.

AAU’s Career Center also connects students with professional opportunities and internships in the Czech Republic.

There are also numerous clubs and events featuring professors and invited international scholars and authors, and opportunities for discussion and creative exchange.

Program Structure

The M.A. in Liberal Studies is a two-year study program. Students have to accumulate 60 US credits (120 ECTS credits) by completing 20 courses.

Below, you can find a list of courses and modules for the M.A. in Liberal Studies.

Required-optional courses (subject to change according to interest and availability):

Having passed all the required and elective courses, students complete their studies by taking state exams and defending their theses. 

For more information on the modular structure and the study program, please contact our admissions team at

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the M.A. in Liberal Studies can expect to:

  • Have expertise in analytical and research methods of the humanities and social sciences
  • Have specialized knowledge of intellectual history and cultural phenomena of various cultures and societies
  • Be able to pragmatically and insightfully compare and critique the cultural phenomena of various cultures and societies
  • Conduct analysis of the history and interpretation of the practice of humanities
  • Communicate professionally, decisively, and strategically in verbal and written English
  • Identify, describe and discuss with international audiences complex problems and solutions

Career Prospects

AAU graduates thrive in multinational environments and are able to communicate professionally in English to international audiences. As a graduate of this degree program, you will be well-equipped to continue your studies or pursue a global career in areas such as: 

  • Curation of the arts
  • Cultural diplomacy and institutions
  • Publishing in art history and critique
  • Tourism
  • Education in the human sciences
  • Mass media

Financial Aid and Scholarships

We provide a wide range of scholarships, tuition discounts, and financial aid options to help make quality education more accessible. To learn please visit our dedicated Financial Aid and Scholarships page.

Additional Information

See what our students have to say

AAU has high-quality professors and a wide variety of classes to choose from. The courses that are offered at AAU are quite unique compared to the other universities in the Czech Republic and the student body is extremely diverse which has led me to meet people from all across the world.

Hunter Andrews
Humanities, USA

AAU encourages students' self-expression through extracurricular activities. It offers the perfect balance between academic challenges and a friendly environment, as well as the chance to study or intern abroad and gain priceless experience. To study in the heart of Europe among international students – what more can you ask for?

Anastasia Shiskina
Humanities, Russia

Meet the people

William Eddleston, Ph.D.

Faculty Senate Vice-President; Chair, Department of History, Senior Lecturer
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Do you have questions?

We are happy to help!

Kateřina Fundová Admissions Counselor
Brittany Cordy Admissions Counselor