Past Events

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Exhibition: “It’s not a phase!”- Tattooing as Fine Art

“It’s Not A Phase!” explores the connections between tattooing and traditional art forms such as painting and sculpture, highlighting the ways in which tattooing can be seen as fine art in its own right. The works on display include a range of pieces, from sculptures to intricate paintings and, of course, stunning examples of tattoo […]

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Professors in the Pub: Battling Against the Fossil Fuel Industry

Each month, come to Café Des Taxis to have a drink and discussion with professors and other experts about important events happening in the world. Share your questions and your views, and join the long tradition of politics in the pub.  This month: As time runs out to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in line with scientific […]

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Zooming out with Nick Caleb: Breaking Barriers for Climate Action

AAU’s Zooming Out lecture series creates space for big thinkers and doers from all sectors to step-back, assess the current state of affairs, and creatively think above the silos of day-to-day work about where society is going and how we can improve it. In the 3rd Zoom Out open lecture we are going to discuss […]

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Björn Steinz Exhibition: Talk with the Artist

Welcome to the closing of this walk-through time photograph documentary from Björn Steinz. The “Talk with the Artist” evening is on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6 PM at Reunion Gallery. This is also the last date of the exhibit so check it out while you can!

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Research Coffee with Gerald Power

Research Coffee is a series of events aimed to be a platform for discussions about publications, projects, and working papers of AAU Faculty as well as AAU students. Prior registration is required for this event. Our next session will be hosted by Gerald Power, Ph.D., who will present “Omani Royal Visits to Britain: The Evidence […]

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Year Two: New Directions in Reporting from Ukraine and Moldova

A distinguished panel of journalists and former journalists will offer ideas in a public forum and debate at Anglo-American University. Year two of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine affects not only that nation, but also neighboring nations Belarus and Moldova. What are some new directions in covering all three countries? This event will take place on […]

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Photoshop Workshop

Want to learn the ins-and-outs of Photoshop and grow your skills? Gain knowledge from professional Renato del Rios in this workshop from The Photography Club and Student Life! This event will take place from 11:15 – 1 PM on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 in room 2.07. For more information, contact Kyra Aronoff (  

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History & Philosophy Lecture Series with Jakub Drábik

The History & Philosophy Lecture Series aims to introduce the AAU community to different historians and philosophers; give space for historical and philosophical problems and questions to be discussed outside the classroom; and promote interest in history and philosophy among AAU students. This event will take place on Tuesday, April 25, at 6 PM in […]

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Career Mixer!

Did you miss the career events at AAU? This year we are bringing them back! In April we are starting with a Career Mixer – a networking career event for students. Come to meet AAU alumni and discover possible career opportunities within certain industries. You’ll get a chance to talk to AAU graduates from different […]

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Spring Music & Arts Festival 2023

The biggest event organized by the students of Anglo-American University! This year’s Spring Music & Arts Festival takes place on April 22, 2023, at Střelecký Island (Střelecký Ostrov), Prague. This event runs from 3.00 PM – 8 PM and provides some free beverages and pizza – first come first served! What’s exciting about this year’s […]

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Björn Steinz Exhibition: Žižkov 1994 – 1996

Join photographer and lecturer, Björn Steinz, for an excursion through time! Hosted at Reunion Gallery, enjoying a walk through the life of Žižkov as it changed and progressed throughout the years. This exhibition opening takes place on Friday 21 April from 5 PM. The exhibition will run from April 21 until May 3, 2023.

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She cried: Homicide! with Christian Farrell

As the days get brighter, things are about to get darker at the AAU Library! The AAU Film-Watchers Club is back with another film series, this time delving into the dark recesses of the mind… Series titled ‘She Cried: Homicide!’ Four lecturers have been chosen to present films dealing with the theme of homicide. The […]

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Guest Lecture: The First “Professional” Russian Theater

This lecture would focus on the rise of the first “professional” theater – Theater of Tsar Alexis, 1672 – 76 – in Russia in the seventeenth century. We will examine the origins of the first Russian dramas and their link to the Western Medieval theatrical repertoire. We also will review distinctive religious adjustments and alterations […]

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro Vás ta pravá? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí! Chápeme, že osobní návštěva kampusu není pro každého možná, nabízíme Vám proto možnost seznámit se s AAU online! Náš virtuální den otevřených dveří Vám umožní zjistit, jak […]

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Виртуальный день открытых дверей

Вы решаете, какой университет вам подходит? Мы предлагаем возможность познакомиться с ААУ онлайн! Наши виртуальные дни открытых дверей позволяют вам узнать, каково это — учиться на английском языке в старейшем частном университете Праги, который аккредитован чешской и американской аккредитацией. Наша приемная комиссия расскажет о наших программах, студенческой жизни в AAU и ответит на ваши самые важные вопросы […]

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Zooming Out with Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský: the Future of the Labour Market

AAU’s Zoom Out lecture series creates space for big thinkers and doers from all sectors to step-back, assess the current state of affairs, and creatively think above the silos of day-to-day work about where society is going and how we can improve it. In the second Zoom Out open lecture we’re going to shed some […]

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Spirit Week 2023

Ready to challenge yourself and your peers? From April 17-22, students from each year and study abroad will be competing against each other in a week of competitions organized by Student Life, Student Council, and students! Showing your Spirit (A Schedule!) DATE EVENT TIME LOCATION Monday, April 17 Open Ceremony: Rubik’s Cube Competition 5.45 PM – 6.30 […]

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In-Person/ Hybrid Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? Explore what it might be like studying in English in an international environment with classmates from over 80 countries, all at a school with top Czech and American accreditation! In-Person/Hybrid Open Houses are an ideal way for you to experience first-hand the value of AAU education […]

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Art Exhibition: SPACEMAN

AAU invites you to this special vernissage from the artist, Josefína Jonášová! On April 6, SPACEMAN promises to launch you into an alternative space from 6 PM in the AAU courtyard and room 1.31 with an evening filled with out-of-this-world performances! Program: Check out Josefína:

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Literary Evening with Adam Ehrlich Sachs

You are cordially invited to a memorable literary evening with Adam Ehrlich Sachs. The event will take place on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 6.30 PM in the AAU library. Adam Ehrlich Sachs is the author of The Organs of Sense and Inherited Disorder. His fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, n+1, and Harper’s, among other places. He was a finalist […]

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