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Виртуальный день открытых дверей

Вы решаете, какой университет вам подходит? Узнайте, каково это учиться на английском язык в интернациональной среде, с одноклассниками из более чем 80 стран. И все это в университете с Чешской и Американской аккредитацией в Праге! Наша команда познакомит вас с областями обучения, познакомит вас со студенческой жизнью в AAU и объяснит, как мы адаптировались к новой ситуации, […]

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Valentine’s Day Speed Dating!

Romance! Friendship! Good laughs! Join us for a fun round of Valentine’s Day Speed Dating. It will be the perfect opportunity to make new friends and perhaps meet that special sweetheart! This event is happening on…February the 14th at 18:00 in room 2.06 and has a 20 person capacity so sign up now. We’re looking […]

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Valentine’s Day Romantic Movie Night

Come and join us for a cute movie night at AAU on Monday 14th at 18:00. We will be watching the iconic love story “The Notebook”. Free snacks will be available, but please bring your own pillows, blankets, and funky socks. Remember to sign up to join!

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Sponsored by AAU: AEON Exhibition

Aeon, originating from the Greek word aion, has been used across cultures and ages as a word describing timelessness. Since we often regard the art of the past as untouchable and distant in a way that separates viewer and painting to the point of irrelevance, it is the aim of the AEON exhibition to invite […]

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Virtual Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? With students from more than 80 countries, we understand that an on-campus visit might not be possible for everyone, but you can still get to know AAU online! Our virtual open house events allow you to explore what it might be like studying in English at […]

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Career Brunch

Calling all students! Do you want the opportunity to have a sit-down chat with Career Specialist Yulia Sheveleva? Now is the time, Yulia will be in the Cafe ready to address any issues or questions you may have concerning your future career! Learn more about self-finding, professional goal setting, have your CV reviewed, and find […]

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Exhibition Opening: IMPACT

Join us for the final art studio exhibition/two-staged settings of Sebastián Šole (BA Visual Art Studies) for completion of studies at Anglo American University! The exhibition will take place on February 3, 2022, at 5 PM in MeetFactory (Ke Sklárně 3213/15, Prague 5), Rooms 16 and 41.

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Spring Orientation 2022

Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance into Anglo-American University! We are so excited to welcome you into the AAU community on Tuesday 1st, February, and Wednesday 2nd, 2022. Orientation will give you all of the necessary tools and resources you need to have a successful university experience here in Prague. You will spend two days […]

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Exhibition Opening: Wedlocked

All are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition – TRISHNA ADNANI WEDLOCKED विवाह बंधन Curators: Alena Foustková, Karolina Dolanská Location: Galerie Havelka Thank you all for the support with realization of this exhibition. We look forward to seeing you there on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 from 6 p.m.

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Pop-up Exhibition: Healing Nature

fully immerse yourself in this multi-sensory and experiential pop-up exhibition! Curated by AAU student Markéta Bia as part of her final year thesis, Healing Nature is more than a pretty view in this sense awakening display of work. Don’t miss out! This exhibition starts at 6 PM on January 28, 2022. This exhibition will be held at […]

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro Vás ta pravá? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí světa. A to vše na škole se špičkovou českou a americkou akreditací v Praze! Náš tým Vás seznámí se studijními obory, představí Vám studentský život na AAU […]

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Virtual Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? With students from more than 80 countries, we understand that an on-campus visit might not be possible for everyone, but you can still get to know AAU online! Our virtual open house events allow you to explore what it might be like studying in English at […]

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Virtual Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? With students from more than 80 countries, we understand that an on-campus visit might not be possible for everyone, but you can still get to know AAU online! Our virtual open house events allow you to explore what it might be like studying in English at […]

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro vás správná? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí, a to vše na škole se špičkovou českou a americkou akreditací v Praze! Náš tým vás seznámí se studijními obory, představí vám studentský život na AAU, vysvětlí vám, […]

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Calligraphy Workshop

Do you dream of creating beautiful, unique writings of your own? Discover the elegant world of calligraphy with AAU Alumna Anita Hansen Hrubešová in this workshop hosted by Copenhagen Calligraphy, and AAU Academy. Copenhagen Calligraphy has worked with brands such as UBS, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. This workshop provides all calligraphy tools, and refreshments with […]

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AAU Fashion Show

Strutting right into season, it’s the AAU Spring/Summer collection 2022 from AAU Fashion Club! Feel inspired and fuel your summer wardrobe fantasy with these bright warm colour combinations, elegantly shown off by your peers- shake off the winter chill and express yourself with these elegantly crafted designs. Join us on December 10, at 6 PM.

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Open Lecture: A Vision of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU

All members of the AAU community are welcome to join His Excellency Ambassador Luís de Almeida Sampaio from Portugal for his lecture, “Europe and the World after the Pandemic – A Vision of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union.” Among other things His Excellency Ambassador Luís de Almeida Sampaio will give his view on […]

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Cozy Christmas Movie Night

Ho, ho, ho-lidays are coming up and it’s time for another cozy movie night at AAU! Join us for popcorn and Christmas classic ‘Love Actually‘, on Friday 3rd of December at 6 PM – 8 PM. Don’t forget some cookies and milk! Stay tuned for more details.

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Research Coffee with Pelin Ayan Musil

Research Coffee is a series of events aimed to be a platform for discussions about publications, projects, and working papers of AAU Faculty as well as AAU students. Prior registration is required for this event. Our next session will be hosted by Pelin Ayan Musil, Ph.D. who will present his work “Understanding the Formation of Oppositional Alliances […]

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Inter Anima Pop-up Exhibition

COSMOS Gallery is back! Join us at the opening of the Inter Anima exhibition on December 3, at 6 PM, and experience an unmissable performance at 7 PM. This latest Pop-Up Exhibition is curated by 8 of our students: Balzhan Bekenova, Dorota Čičatková, Ján Tompkins, Kris Fraanje, Madisen Fawver, Nicole Slusser, Trinity Rucker, and Trishna […]

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