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Virtual Open House: School of International Relations & Diplomacy

Are you interested in studying International Relations & Diplomacy and want to learn more about our programs and concentrations? With students from all over the world, we understand that an on-campus visit is not possible for everyone, that’s why you can connect directly with our School of International Relations & Diplomacy through this virtual open […]

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Book Launch: THE LAKE, by Bianca Bellová translated by Alex Zucker

In cooperation with Czech Literary Centre, Karolinum Press and Parthian, the AAU Library is pleased to invite you to a book launch of THE LAKE, by Bianca Bellová, translated by Alex Zucker on Monday, October 10, 2022 at 19:00.  Bianca Bellová’s dystopian page-turner The Lake was named Magnesia Litera Book of the Year in 2017, […]

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Philosophy in Film Series: Anthony Marais

The AAU Film-Watchers Club, in collaboration with the AAU Library and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, invites all cinema lovers to a unique series of film screenings at the AAU Library this Fall! Four AAU lecturers have been chosen to surprise the audience with a film relating to this semester’s theme: Philosophy in […]

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IFRS Conference 2022

The School of Business Administration at Anglo-American University and the Department of International Business at Metropolitan University Prague organize the jubilee 10th edition of the International Scientific Conference “IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use – Beyond the Numbers”. This event is HYBRID and will take place on October 6-7, 2022 at Anglo-American University. For the […]

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The Ethics of Capacity-building Leadership Across Cultures: A Conversation with Dr. Doug Heimburger

In this conversation, we will discuss leading teams cross-culturally and the challenges involved in empowering “followers” to lead in their own cultural and public health contexts. This conversation will take place in the first part of Professor Hayden’s Ethics and Leadership course. Doug Heimburger is an American physician and educator working with the Vanderbilt University […]

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Spirit Week 2022

Fuel your school spirit at the upcoming AAU Spirit Week from October 3rd to 8th, 2022! For those who don’t know, Spirit Week is a week-long event in which schools come up against each other in a light-hearted competition. Schools win points per individual event in an effort to be crowned the most spirited School. […]

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Walking tour: Vyšehrad Fortress and its underground casemates

Let’s explore Vyšehrad Fortress and its underground casemates that keeps the original statues from the Charles Bridge. Take a walk around and take romantic outlooks from the fortification walls. Meet us at Zeitraum Front desk at 3.30 PM on September 30, 2022.

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In-Person Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? Explore what it might be like studying in English in an international environment with classmates from over 80 countries, all at a school with top Czech and American accreditation! In-Person Open Houses are an ideal way for you to experience first-hand the value of AAU education. […]

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Research Coffee with Jan Mošovský

Research Coffee is a series of events aimed to be a platform for discussions about publications, projects, and working papers of AAU Faculty as well as AAU students. Prior registration is required for this event. Our next session will be hosted by Jan Mošovský who will present “A New Approach Towards Tobacco Legislation: The Case for Harm […]

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Professors in the Pub: Challenging the World Order

Each month, come to Café Des Taxis to have a drink and discussion with professors and other experts about important events happening in the world. Share your questions and your views, and join the long tradition of politics in the pub.  This month: Full-scale war has returned to the European continent. What had been considered […]

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro vás správná? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí, a to vše na škole se špičkovou českou a americkou akreditací v Praze! Náš tým vás seznámí se studijními obory, představí vám studentský život na AAU, vysvětlí vám, […]

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Time Management with Petra Narwa

Time is a finite resource and as such, it needs to be effectively managed! Time management is very important and it may actually affect your performance and achievements. It’s about planning and controlling your “time budget”. Even those who were organized people back home may find that coming to a new environment with new rules […]

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Welcome Back BBQ 2022

The Student Council is hosting a Welcome Back BBQ on Friday, September 16, 2022, at Café de Taxis! The perfect way to meet new friends and catch up with all your peers at a chill grill afternoon! Join us for burgers, drinks and an outdoor DJ! For more information, contact Brooklyn Ferenc (

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Walking Tour: Prague Castle and Royal Gardens

Join us on Friday 16th September, 2022 at 4pm for a free tour of the Prague Castle and Royal Gardens! This event is open to all interested students. Hear some of the history of Prague and learn more interesting facts about the city. The meeting time is 15:30 at the Zeitraum´s frontdesk. RSVP by emailing Sabrina Boulaouad ( We hope to […]

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Prosecco in the Palace: Alumni networking & campus tour

Not everyone gets to sip their prosecco in a 17th-century palace… but our AAU Alumni do! Join us on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 5.30 PM for a campus tour followed by a presentation about alumni collaborations and exclusive opportunities, and an evening of networking with old friends, new faces, along with delicious refreshments!

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Virtual Open House: Master of Business Administration

AAU prides itself in offering a unique international experience to all its MBA students. Join us for this special virtual open house and discover the MBA program at AAU! Join us on September 15th at 4 PM to hear from MBA Coordinator, Maria Andreou, and Chapman University representative, Bruce Dehning, who will explain the program […]

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Rising Above Stress & Adversity Seminar

Have you ever wondered how to reduce stress, build positive relationships, or work on your self-development? This seminar is for you! Join guest speaker, Sudhakar Dass, for a lecture and Q&A session on topics such as adapting to adversity, the art of relations and the missing peace and more! Based on Vedanta, the timeless indian […]

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Wear. Costumes for The Nature by Marion Renier

Dressing up and undressing are these intimate moments when you are confronted with your own body. Surrounded by cultural codes, norms and gender stereotypes the actual nudity comes about as something embarrassing. The natural is confronted with culture as we are living in a civilization where the body has been medialized and morphed into a […]

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AAU Club Fair!

Football? Climbing? Digital Media? It’s hard to decide what club is for you when there are so many choices! Join us at the Club Fair on September 14 and 15, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 3 PM. Meet the representatives from all of this semester’s active clubs in the main entrance hall on campus and get more […]

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Виртуальный день открытых дверей

Вы решаете, какой университет вам подходит? Узнайте, каково это учиться на английском язык в интернациональной среде, с одноклассниками из более чем 80 стран. И все это в университете с Чешской и Американской аккредитацией в Праге! Наша команда познакомит вас с областями обучения, познакомит вас со студенческой жизнью в AAU и объяснит, как мы адаптировались к новой ситуации, […]

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