Past Events

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro Vás ta pravá? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí! Chápeme, že osobní návštěva kampusu není pro každého možná, nabízíme Vám proto možnost seznámit se s AAU online! Náš virtuální den otevřených dveří Vám umožní zjistit, jak […]

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Виртуальный день открытых дверей

Вы решаете, какой университет вам подходит? Мы предлагаем возможность познакомиться с ААУ онлайн! Наши виртуальные дни открытых дверей позволяют вам узнать, каково это — учиться на английском языке в старейшем частном университете Праги, который аккредитован чешской и американской аккредитацией. Наша приемная комиссия расскажет о наших программах, студенческой жизни в AAU и ответит на ваши самые важные вопросы […]

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AAU Zooming Out with Nicholas Dungey, Ph.D.

AAU’s Zooming Out lecture series creates space for shakers and makers from all sectors to step-back, assess the current state of affairs, and creatively think above the silos of day-to-day work. In our very first AAU Zooming Out lecture, we look forward to hearing from Professor Nicholas Dungey about why we need a new paradigm […]

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Virtual Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? With students from more than 80 countries, we understand that an on-campus visit might not be possible for everyone, but you can still get to know AAU online! Our virtual open house events allow you to explore what it might be like studying in English at […]

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Alumni Holiday Mixer

Happy Holidays, AAU Alumni! We cordially invite you to the Lobkowicz Palace Cafe for a festive evening of connecting with friends, old and new, and refreshments (including Svařák of course)! This holiday mixer, we are proud to feature and support Jako Doma, a charity co-founded by our alumna, Alexandra Doleželová. Alexandra graduated from our Humanities […]

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Photography Exhibition

Come see the work of the students of the course Intro to Digital Photography with lecturer Bjorn Steinz. This will be in room 1.31 (art studio). It’s an “end of year” chance to come together, appreciate art, and be social!

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Art Exhibition: Weird Looks

Witness the work of the students of the course “Art in the Public Realm” with lecturer Conrad Armstrong. This will be in room 1.31 (art studio). It’s an “end of year” chance to come together, appreciate art, and be social! See the poster for more info.

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro Vás ta pravá? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí! Chápeme, že osobní návštěva kampusu není pro každého možná, nabízíme Vám proto možnost seznámit se s AAU online! Náš virtuální den otevřených dveří Vám umožní zjistit, jak […]

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Art Exhibition: ABSTRACT

Students of the course “Abstract” with lecturer Jana Babincova. This will be in room 1.31 (art studio). It’s an “end of year” chance to come together, appreciate art, and be social! See the poster for more info.

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Виртуальный день открытых дверей

Вы решаете, какой университет вам подходит? Мы предлагаем возможность познакомиться с ААУ онлайн! Наши виртуальные дни открытых дверей позволяют вам узнать, каково это — учиться на английском языке в старейшем частном университете Праги, который аккредитован чешской и американской аккредитацией. Наша приемная комиссия расскажет о наших программах, студенческой жизни в AAU и ответит на ваши самые важные вопросы […]

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FREE Guided tour: Museum of Communism

Considered one of the best museums in Prague! The Museum of Communism covers all aspects of life in communist Czechoslovakia: everyday life, propaganda in the media, Stb secret police, army, and organizations of oppression, including show trials and political labor camps during the Stalinist era. The focus is on the totalitarian regime that ruled the […]

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In-Person Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? Explore what it might be like studying in English in an international environment with classmates from over 80 countries, all at a school with top Czech and American accreditation! In-Person Open Houses are an ideal way for you to experience first-hand the value of AAU education. […]

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Philosophy in Film Series: Ivan Gutierrez

The AAU Film-Watchers Club, in collaboration with the AAU Library and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, invites all cinema lovers to a unique series of film screenings at the AAU Library this Fall! Four AAU lecturers have been chosen to surprise the audience with a film relating to this semester’s theme: Philosophy in […]

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Exhibition Opening: FEAR NOT

Join us for this special end-of-year art exhibition opening at 6 PM! There will be an exhibition of six contemporary artists throughout the AAU common spaces. This is an exhibition organized by students in Intro to Curatorial Studies with lecturer Piotr Sikora. Featured Artists:  Ondřej Basjuk Tadeáš Kotrba Danica Pišteková Matouš Střelec Danilo Movchan Rita Baby […]

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Virtual Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? With students from more than 80 countries, we understand that an on-campus visit might not be possible for everyone, but you can still get to know AAU online! Our virtual open house events allow you to explore what it might be like studying in English at […]

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AAU Campus Tour

Want to get to know AAU Campus inside and outside the classroom experience? Explore our campus with us and learn everything you need to know about life at Anglo-American University in Prague in this special tour. Can’t make it? Check out one of our Open Houses or you can always virtually chat with a member […]

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Professors in the Pub: The EU in Security & Defense

Each month, come to Café Des Taxis to have a drink and discussion with professors and other experts about important events happening in the world. Share your questions and your views, and join the long tradition of politics in the pub.  This month: Historically, the EU has been perceived as a rather hesitant player in the field […]

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How to Reduce Anxiety with Su Luo

Step one: Breathe, breathe, and breathe… Step two: Breathing correctly to calm your mind and body! This seminar with AAU counselor, Su Luo, aims to provide you with a clear-cut theoretical background on breathing and how it influences our everyday life. Firstly, we will first go through some basic anatomy and various biological responses related […]

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AAU Campus Tour

Want to get to know AAU Campus inside and outside the classroom experience? Explore our campus with us and learn everything you need to know about life at Anglo-American University in Prague in this special tour. Can’t make it? Check out one of our Open Houses or you can always virtually chat with a member […]

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WRITE FOR RIGHTS with Amnesty International

Students Against Violence club is inviting all AAU students to take part in a writing marathon organized by Amnesty International Czech Republic. Students will write and send letters advocating for individuals around the world who are victims of various cases of abuse of freedoms and human rights. See more information here.

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