Past Events

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Research Coffee with Badr Tatouche

Research Coffee is a series of events aimed to be a platform for discussions about publications, projects, and working papers of AAU Faculty as well as AAU students. Prior registration is required for this event. Our next session will be hosted by Badr Tatouche who will present “Peace from the Desert. Africa Countering Extremism”. The discussant […]

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Career Center: Professional Photoshoot

Need a professional headshot for your CV and LinkedIn? AAU Career Center and Photography Club invite you to strike a professional pose at these photo shooting sessions! There will be two sessions with time slots available: Reserve your time slot here.  

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Virtual Open House: School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Are you interested in studying Humanities & Social Sciences and want to learn more about our programs and concentrations? With students from all over the world, we understand that an on-campus visit is not possible for everyone, that’s why you can connect directly with our School of Humanities & Social Sciences through this virtual open […]

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She cried: Homicide! with Anthony Marais

As the days get brighter, things are about to get darker at the AAU Library! The AAU Film-Watchers Club is back with another film series, this time delving into the dark recesses of the mind… Series titled ‘She Cried: Homicide!’ Four lecturers have been chosen to present films dealing with the theme of homicide. The […]

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Career Brunch

Do you want the opportunity to have a sit-down chat with Career Specialist, Yulia Sheveleva? Now is the time! Yulia will be in the Cafe ready to ‘spill the tea’ on any issues or questions you may have concerning your future career! Learn more about: and more! This is a drop-in event running between 10 […]

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Football Match: AAU vs UHK

It’s the first University League game of the season! Come and cheer your team as AAU plays against Hradec Kralov in Hradec on March 1, 2023 at 12:30 PM. It’s set to be an exciting game of football, and we’re looking forward to watching what happens on the field… The AAU football team is coached by […]

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HSS Spring 2023 Shakespeare Film Festival: Much Ado About Nothing

School of Humanities and Social Sciences is proud to present the first in its series of Shakespeare on Film on February 24th, 2023 in room 2.07 at 3.30 PM. She despises him. He can’t stand her. Yeah, right. Longing for laughs? Beat the late winter blues with the comedy that “casts the battle of the […]

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Virtual Open House: School of International Relations & Diplomacy

Are you interested in studying International Relations & Diplomacy and want to learn more about our programs and concentrations? With students from all over the world, we understand that an on-campus visit is not possible for everyone, that’s why you can connect directly with our School of International Relations & Diplomacy through this virtual open […]

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Professors in the Pub: Ukraine – One Year into the “One Week War”

Each month, come to Café Des Taxis to have a drink and discussion with professors and other experts about important events happening in the world. Share your questions and your views, and join the long tradition of politics in the pub.  This month: On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a three-front attack and invasion across Ukraine, massively […]

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Rakugo Night with Katsura Sunshine

Rakugo, a Japanese story-telling from the Edo period, will take you to a world you’ve never experienced! Be prepared to laugh out loud on February 23 at 6 PM in room 2.07 with master storyteller, Katsura Sunshine! What is Rakugo? Rakugo is a form of yose (traditional Japanese verbal entertainment) originating from the Edo Period […]

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Starting a Business with Egor Kolpakov

Egor Kolpakov, an AAU alumnus, is a rebel in a suit. He knew early on, even before he graduated, that he wanted to be an entrepreneur and start his own business. Join him for this Open Lecture on February 20th, 2023, and find out about how he built an impressive coffee business right here in […]

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Personal Branding with Liza Miezejeski

A critical tool for advancing (or launching) your career Social Media has become one of the top ways to create a portfolio, build a business following, and generate revenue- but how to get started? Learn the best tips and tricks from Alumna and known content creator, Liza Miezejeski, for how to communicate yourself and your […]

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Anti-Valentine’s Day Pub Quiz

Professor Joel Imhoof is back with his monthly Trivia Night at Cafe de Taxis! The theme for this month will be ‘Anti-Valentine’s Day.’ Form teams of up to six or just come as yourself to play. Great free stuff, prizes, and drinks! There will be questions about music, films, history, nature, books, and all things […]

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Virtuální Den Otevřených Dveří

Rozhodujete se, která univerzita je pro Vás ta pravá? Prozkoumejte, jaké by to bylo, kdybyste studovali v angličtině v mezinárodním prostředí se spolužáky z více než 80 zemí! Chápeme, že osobní návštěva kampusu není pro každého možná, nabízíme Vám proto možnost seznámit se s AAU online! Náš virtuální den otevřených dveří Vám umožní zjistit, jak […]

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AAU Club Fair!

Football? Climbing? Digital Media? It’s hard to decide what club is for you when there are so many choices! The Club Fair is a great way for you to connect with students and expand your AAU community! Stop by to check out our 20+ clubs and sign up for your favorites. Join us on February […]

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Valentine’s Day: Queer Speed Dating

Meet the potential love of your life at the Queer Valentine’s Day Speed Dating! This event is hosted by AAU’s Q-Club and Pangea Prague and takes place on Tuesday, February 14 at 7 PM. Come to meet and connect with Queer people and find your Valentine!

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Виртуальный день открытых дверей

Вы решаете, какой университет вам подходит? Мы предлагаем возможность познакомиться с ААУ онлайн! Наши виртуальные дни открытых дверей позволяют вам узнать, каково это — учиться на английском языке в старейшем частном университете Праги, который аккредитован чешской и американской аккредитацией. Наша приемная комиссия расскажет о наших программах, студенческой жизни в AAU и ответит на ваши самые важные вопросы […]

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In-Person/ Hybrid Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? Explore what it might be like studying in English in an international environment with classmates from over 80 countries, all at a school with top Czech and American accreditation! In-Person/Hybrid Open Houses are an ideal way for you to experience first-hand the value of AAU education […]

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Exhibition: Insight of Inspiration

A work of art is worth nothing without inspiration From the animals depicted on the walls of Lascaux to the Greek art carefully copied by Italian masters of the renaissance, the term inspiration is a flywheel in the creative process. Throughout centuries artists have been using the power of inspiration to refresh and upgrade the […]

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Spring Orientation 2023

Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance into Anglo-American University! We are so excited to welcome you into the AAU community on Monday 30th of January, 2023. Orientation will give you all of the necessary tools and resources you need to have a successful university experience here in Prague. You will spend two days meeting your […]

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