Who is New at AAU: Meet Kateřina Fundová, the latest addition to Admissions and Recruitment

Hi everyone, my name is Kateřina Fundová. I’m originally from the Czech Republic where I also earned my Master’s degree in English for Education. I have always felt comfortable in the educational environment however, I realized later that I wouldn’t enjoy being a teacher. After my graduation, I found a job as a coordinator for teaching internships and also administered a project funded by the EU. This experience allowed me to travel across Europe, learn more about other cultures, and get to know more about the “behind the scenes” of Czech educational system. Since I believe that education is crucial for both the individual and society itself, I wanted to continue working in this sphere and be able to help people in achieving their goals. One day, I came across the position of Admissions Counselor here at AAU and I knew this is what I want to do.
What is your role within AAU and why do you enjoy it so much?
As an Admissions Counselor, I communicate with prospective students, schedule their interviews with (Assistant) Deans of prospective schools, and help them on their journey to become AAU students. I also talk to students during the Open Houses and hopefully, when the world is back to normal, I will be able to attend university fairs and events in person and represent the AAU outside of our campus.
I love that I work with people who are truly motivated and do their best to make the admission process as smooth and efficient as possible. Since I am able to (virtually) meet people, who are passionate about their academic life and want to grow, I feel fulfilled doing something that is super meaningful… Plus the AAU building and campus is just beautiful!
Why AAU?
AAU is a great place where people from all over the world meet- It’s a very inclusive environment, no matter what your cultural, social, or financial background is. I love that AAU encourages students to be open-minded, able to speak up for themselves and be great at what they are doing.
What do you enjoy most about living in Prague?
I grew up in a really small town therefore I appreciate that Prague, besides having great restaurants and bars, has large green spaces- you can hop on a tram or metro and in 20 minutes you are walking in the woods! There are a lot of hidden quiet places here but if you feel like it, you can also enjoy the buzzing energy of a cosmopolitan city. I think that no matter what your preferences are, you will find what you are looking for in Prague.

What are some of your interests?
I love to travel and go to concerts and festivals! Unfortunately due to the pandemic, I haven’t had many opportunities to do so in the past year but I hope to soon. While these hobbies are on hold, I’m currently enjoying watching TV shows, painting, and cooking. However, I try to balance out these passive activities with more active ones, for example walking my dogs.
When you have the chance to travel, what kind of places do you like to see?
As a big fan of travelling, I would love to go literally everywhere in the world! If I could sum up my ideal vacation, it would be choosing a place where I would be able to relax and re-charge for a few days (maybe on a beach or a cruise ship) and then go hike in mountains, explore cities and see some destination landmarks.
If you had an afternoon off with no Wi-Fi in Prague, where would you go?
Since I live near Hostivařkský lesopark, I’d probably go there. I would just enjoy walking around, admire the scenery and then stop by at the local brewery Hostivar and enjoy some refreshments.
Whenever you feel like saying hello, find Katerina in the Admissions office!