Turn it on: World Sexual Health Day!

World Sexual Health Day is an annual event dedicated to breaking down social and cultural taboos revolving around sex and sexuality. It aims to promote positive sexual health all over the globe! This year’s theme “Turn it on: Sexual Health in the Digital World” inspires the need to awaken awareness of sexual health rights, while also paying attention to violations and harmful activities around sexual rights in the digital world. For us, this means noticing a lack of easily accessible information available to students in one place. Here we have accumulated a list of what we believe to be the necessary set of where, what, and how-to’s of taking care of your sexual health while in Prague!
Regardless of your preferences, pronouns, and sexual activity, it’s important that you are able to look after yourself in every way possible. Moving countries can be stressful enough without having to worry about “down there”. So, let’s do this!
Getting Checked
If you are looking to get checked for STDs of any kind, it is recommended that you register with a venereologist, urologist, or gynecologist. You can ask your own GP for a recommended place that speaks English (unless you speak Czech or are comfortable going with a Czech friend to their recommended doctor!). Please bear in mind that you have to ask for which specific tests you want, as not every clinic will just have all of them ready. With your VZP health insurance, most exams will be covered, however, pricing for check-ups depends on the clinic. if you wish to obtain results for multiple tests (e.g. a full spectrum), there is a possibility of paying extra.
If you are currently not registered at the appropriate doctor and in desperate need of a clinic, there is one that provides testing called Medicentrum. However, you may be waiting for up to 2 hours for a slot as there are no scheduled appointments and there is still the possibility of extra costs.
The best way to avoid experiencing STD scares and impromptu clinic visits? Make sure to carry protection with you! Condoms, dams, lubricants, etc can be found at most supermarkets, stores, and corner shops. If you need something extra special (such as something latex-free), you can order from e-kondomy.cz!

Staying Safe
Prague is famous amongst tourists for being a great party city, but with an awesome nightlife comes a few risks and dangers. Please let us remind you that you can say no to anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell someone when you are being harassed, and should never be afraid to report a crime.
- 112 – European Emergency Number(Police, Fire Service, Emergency Medical Service)
- 158 – Police
- 156 – Municipal Police
- 150 – Fire and Rescue Service
- 155 – Emergency Medical Service
Pro tip: Streetlamps have a numerical code on them; therefore if an accident does occur, or you need immediate assistance, the emergency services can pinpoint your location and get to you faster!
The Morning After
The condom breaks. It was forgotten completely. It slipped off. It can just happen! The point is, you should be able to keep yourself safe. As accidents can happen, there is the option of taking the morning-after pill which is available to you from all pharmacies. As a preventative measure against unwanted pregnancies, there is the option to explore various birth control options with your gynecologist to choose what is right for your body.
AAU Workshops
If you are interested in being better informed about sexual health, the student council has created a series of workshops that you can register for via the link below: