Mock Press Conference with CZ Health Minister, Adam Vojtěch

With 9 online student participants and 17 in-person student participants AAU’s International Development and Journalism class had a chance to put theory into practice with a unique real-world experience. As a part of their midterm exam, this class was tasked with organizing and hosting a mock press conference on the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic where the students had an opportunity to ask questions directly to none other than Adam Vojtěch, the Health Minister to the Czech Republic!

The panel included Diplomat in Residence, Liliana Torres-Muga, Lecturer, Robert Warren, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Eva Rivera (as representative for the President), student Iryna Volkovska, acting as Press Contact, and Health Minister, Adam Vojtěch. In this mock press conference, students represented journalists from local and international media organizations and questioned Vojtěch to address the current COVID-19 situation in the Czech Republic.

Each student took turns asking Minister Vojtěch to shed clarity on the most pressing areas of public concern. Their hard-hitting questions covered everything from current measures and restrictions, vaccination rates, the rise in flu and general sickness, to the role of media in spreading COVID-related news and information. The event was also attended by a photographer/reporter from AAU’s independent student magazine, The Lennon Wall.

In light of the success of this student coordinated event, we look forward to seeing what our budding journalists will do next! Thank you to all the participants who made this possible and a special thanks to Minister Vojtěch for taking the time to visit our campus, answer all of our students’ questions and give them a truly unique and practical experience.