Making Waves: What Happens Next?

Since graduating from AAU, Sendin Arnautovic has joined one of the leading organizations in water sustainability- The Bluewater Group. Over the period in which AAU and the Bluewater Group have been cooperating together to bring sustainable merchandise and collaborative student projects, Sendin has been promoted from the position of Marketing Specialist to Head of Marketing.
Sustainability is a topic of imminent importance in today’s world and educating and involving tomorrow’s leaders in positive change is vital to reducing the current societal impact on the environment.
“I reached out to AAU after our team at Bluewater decided to take our sustainability initiatives a step further, to find better ways to educate and inspire people about the topic. We believe that the sustainability message and impact will be greater when it reaches a younger target that will be making the right decisions in the future, and the best way to do so was to reach directly to academic institutions.
-Sendin Arnautovic, 2022
I saw the opportunity to bridge this initiative with something that I consider to be deeply personal to me and that is the university I graduated from.
Thus far, my experience as Head of Marketing at Bluewater has been a great step in my professional journey. Not only am I part of a team that is making a difference for the world, but I am also responsible to spread our image and message, aiming to inspire others to take more responsibility for the planet we live in, the same way I was inspired by Bluewater when I joined.”

Where do partnerships such as this lead?
As both AAU and The Bluewater Group are happy with their continued partnership, there will be more opportunities in the upcoming semesters for interested students to gain hands-on experience in working directly with companies like The Bluewater group in projects similar to that from this semester. With Applied Education Projects at AAU which connects companies to AAU and facilitates an experiential, real-life experience for students through assignments, or research projects, the Marketing Communications class with Professor Joel Imhoof is following up on another ambitious Marketing Communications project!
“We have teamed up with Cengage Learning to build awareness of the firm’s products and services among students in Europe.”
-Professor Joel Imhoof, 2022
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If you are a professor looking to get your students involved in projects such as these, please get in touch with External Outreach Manager, Dana Aleksic, for details. If you are a student and want to be involved and gain insightful work experience, get in touch with your professor!
Bluewater is the Swedish company changing the way the world views water, by delivering the healthiest fresh drinking water around the world and helping to eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles. It is headquartered in its hometown of Stockholm, with regional offices across four continents.
Applied Education Projects connect companies to AAU and facilitate an experiential, real-life experience for students through assignments, or research projects. The company sets the topic and timeframe for the project, as well as the expected outcomes. In cases such as the one with Buewater, faculty can incorporate those assignments into their class syllabus. In addition to providing companies with research data and innovative solutions, the project also provides valuable insights into potential employee talents.