GOAL: AAU wins 3 – 0 Against SK Aritma

The final weekend of November saw the AAU football team get its first win in the new season. And they got it in style, with a 3-0 clean sheet victory over SK Aritma.
“I don’t praise the victory as such. I am happy just to see how the team is nicely evolving from actually not feeling like a team at all, towards becoming a team learning through losing games, to finally being a team and a team that is able to win! So I praise the boys who are learning fast and are transforming their spirits and performance in such a short period of time. It’s very satisfying to see.”
Saso Belovski, Head Coach & AAU Alumnus.
Did you know? Our AAU team now consists of over 25 players! Fun fact, the starting eleven in the last game represented eleven different countries – not that we should be too surprised with a close-knit student community from over 80 nationalities.
The AAU football team has been training, playing friendly games, and competing in a mini-league this Fall Semester. All this serves as a preparation for the upcoming University League that will start in March of 2023.
See you at the next game!