Erasmus Work Placement Opportunites 2021/22

Are you looking to experience your future career while exploring new places? Don’t hesitate to apply for our Erasmus work placements opportunities this academic year!
We are pleased to announce that, after an enforced break caused by Covid, we will again be able to offer students a number of Erasmus Work Placements (international internships) in Academic Year 2021/22 in collaboration with our partners at Evropska rozvojova agentura (ERA). In common with other programs funded by the EU, these are available only to students from our Czech-accredited programs, but otherwise, there are no restrictions on nationality, level of study (BA or MA) or program of study,
We have just released our First Call for Applications with a deadline on Monday 15 November 2021. Full details are on AAUnet in the “International Exchanges/Erasmus” section (login necessary).
A second Call for Applications will follow later in the year, subject to the availability of funding. We’ll look forward to receiving your applications.
Find more information as well as a list of available opportunities on AAUnet here.
Do you have further questions regarding Erasmus & Exchange? Contact Cyril Simsa. We look forward to seeing all the places you will go!