Cheers to you, Alumni: A recap of the 2021 Alumni Mixer

Following a long but rewarding graduation week, it was time for our ex-students to celebrate entering a new phase in their AAU journey- becoming an integral part of the alumni community. The Alumni mixer gave graduates old and new the opportunity to mingle and network with other alumni, staff, and faculty. The turnout for this event was more than anyone could have asked for with over 70 attendees. As a part of our first in-person events for over a year (due to the you-know-what), it was incredible to have so many faces in attendance from across the years with alumni from as far back as 1995!

Dana Aleksic, one of our key organizers, gave a welcoming speech introducing the event to early arrivers and hinting towards amazing raffle prizes. The open bar kept the merriment going all through the evening as happy alumni mingled with their peers or took advantage of the photo wall to create some memories. Following Dana, Eva Rivera reminded alumni that life is full of opportunities to learn and expand their knowledge and an individual could start with AAU’s very own AAU Academy.
Halfway through the evening, it was a pleasure to listen to Ziv Semadar announce the winning tickets to the raffle with help from Alumni Council member Nadia Kotaishova. AAU gave out over 15 prizes including vouchers to executive courses, coaching sessions, RunCzech events, and wine among others. Ziv also took a moment to reflect on the difficulties COVID-19 has had on our lives and how well our graduates have done despite the pandemic.

We look forward to hosting more events like this in future, be sure to check out Flickr for our photo highlights. The Alumni community is simply amazing and we can’t wait to share more of your success stories!