And… Breathe: Happy World Mental Health Day!

Getting stressed about your midterms? There’s an app for that! Just kidding… but not really. On top of classes, studying for exams and tests, or researching and writing assignments (maybe both simultaneously) can feel quite overwhelming. What can you do to make sure you relax and switch off your mind?
In celebration of World Mental Health Day, the Calm app is running a live meditation and Q&A event on October 14. This event, led by Jeff Warren, is an open discussion on why mental health is important and how you can learn to support your own well-being through mindfulness and meditation practices. For those of you who are looking for a more general guide to follow throughout the semester, Calm has compiled a shortlist of their features to restore your energy and keep you mentally topped up! Build good habits, sleep better and discover methods to cope with moments of anxiety.