Zooming out with Nick Caleb: Breaking Barriers for Climate Action

AAU’s Zooming Out lecture series creates space for big thinkers and doers from all sectors to step-back, assess the current state of affairs, and creatively think above the silos of day-to-day work about where society is going and how we can improve it.
In the 3rd Zoom Out open lecture we are going to discuss successful climate organizing techniques and strategies with Nick Caleb, Climate and Energy Attorney at Breach Collective. Breach Collective partners with communities on the front lines of the climate crisis to advance justice through locally-driven campaigns rooted in the power of grassroots organizing, legal advocacy, and human stories.
Caleb will discuss the most effective tools and strategies available to us to ensure climate justice. He will share stories about how technocrats, legal professionals, workers, climate activists, and ordinary community members can work together to speed the pace of transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy.