Virtual Open House

Are you deciding which university is right for you? Explore what it might be like studying in English in an international environment with classmates from over 80 countries, all at a school with top Czech and American accreditation.
Due to COVID-19 we understand that an on campus visit might not be possible for all of our prospective students but you can still get to know AAU online!
Our virtual open house events allow you to learn about life at AAU right from your computer. Our admissions team will take you through our programs, student life in Prague and answer your most important questions directly during a live Q&A.
The event will take place from 15:00–16:00 on May 15th, 2020.
Can’t make it? You can always virtually chat with a member of our Admissions Team, Monday-Friday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (CET). To set up an appointment that suits your schedule please email or call +420 257 530 202. One of our admissions counselors will be happy to answer your questions about our campus and assist you or your student with the selection of a suitable program of study.
We’re excited to e-meet you!