Breath and Wellbeing: an Intimate Connection

Breathwork presents an effective means of gaining control over stress and anxiety, which in turn can improve our overall health. Come learn tried and tested breathing techniques with AAU counselor Su Luo that can help bring your perturbation to heel.
This seminar will be held on October 18, 2023, from 3 pm to 5 pm, in room 2.07, and will provide a detailed introduction to breathing and its connections with our mental and physical health.
Su will go through the physiological aspects of breathing—including proper technique, its influence over our posture and immune system, its connection with the vagus nerve and microbiome, and how can it even influence our performance in the bedroom—and will likewise address its psychological aspects, namely how breathing impacts our anxiety levels and its relationship to depression.
After providing a firm foundation in theory, Su will offer some simple breathing techniques for reducing stress and anxiety levels.
In the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of your respiratory system, its connections with physical and psychological disorders, and how to best harness it for improvements in overall well-being.