Research Coffee with Jan Mošovský

Research Coffee is a series of events aimed to be a platform for discussions about publications, projects, and working papers of AAU Faculty as well as AAU students. Prior registration is required for this event.
Our next session will be hosted by Jan Mošovský who will present “A New Approach Towards Tobacco Legislation: The Case for Harm Reduction in CEE and the EU”. The discussant for the paper is to be confirmed.
You can find the abstract of the paper below, but to receive the full paper and the link to the meeting, please register in advance. We look forward to seeing you!
This new study examines the fundamental principles of tobacco policy and their applications. With the political support for the policy of reduced risks in the Czech Republic, as well as discussions on cancer prevention ongoing at the EU level, we analyze whether the objective of the European Commission to achieve a tobacco-free generation by 2040, where less than 5 % of people use tobacco, is achievable. What we find is that the current trajectory of the international debate on the topic, including abstinence and prohibitionism, is a route that is not realistic. For this reason, we firmly believe that what is needed at the EU level is the more achievable target of smoke-free generation and that the way to achieve it is through evidence-based policy which incorporates the harm reduction approach.