Liberal Institute’s Annual Lecture: Bryan Caplan – Open Borders

Join us for an event organized by the Liberal Institute! Come along on Thursday, March 24, to celebrate Bryan Caplan receiving the Annual Prize of the Liberal Institute. As part of this event, Bryan will deliver an Annual Lecture on Open Borders. The formal part of the lecture will last approximately two hours followed by an informal networking opportunity with those such as former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mirek Topolánek, and President of the Anglo-American University, doc. Jiří Schwarz. The lecture will take place in room 2.07 from 6:30 PM.
The Liberal Institute has been organizing the annual lecture for awarding the Annual Prize “for Contributing to the Development of Liberal Thought and Fulfilling Ideas of Freedom, Private Property, Competition and the Rule of Law in Practice” since 1995. Historically the first winner of the Annual Prize was Gary Becker. In the following years, the Annual Lecture has also been given by key Nobelists such as; Milton Friedman, James Buchanan, and Vernon Smith.