Installation Opening: Octopus on a Spy Mission

Join us for an extra special art opening on Wednesday, November 16th, 6 PM in the AAU courtyard. Meet the artist Štěpán Jílek, who has made the “Octopus” sculpture in our courtyard Art Space (installed last week).
With a full display of art delights in Room 1.31, all are welcome to this vernissage!
Sculpture: Octopus on a spy mission
The Octopus is in despair due to the current environmental crisis, so he has come out of the ocean to see the people on earth, and to see what is happening around the world. His goal is to appeal to humankind to save our planet. The Octopus has been created from a dead tree turned upside down, as a symbol of today’s world situation.
Text by the artist: Štěpán Jílek
This sculpture was previously installed at Lipno nad Vltavou for the festival “Art in the City”