IFRS Conference 2023

The School of Business Administration at Anglo-American University and Department of Financial Management at Metropolitan University Prague organize the 11th edition of the International Scientific Conference “IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use – Beyond the Numbers”. This event is HYBRID and will take place on October 12-13, 2023 at Metropolitan University Prague.
About the Conference
Scholars, students, and the interested public wishing to know more about bridging the gap between international accounting rules (IFRS) and local applications are invited to share their knowledge and experience at this Hybrid event, organized jointly by the Anglo-American University and Metropolitan University Prague. Issues to be discussed involve finance, accounting, non-financial reporting, management, and international trade, as well as timely concerns brought by the current uneasy pandemic situation.
With the current interest in non-financial reporting and accounting harmonization, this conference aims to focus on specific accounting differences and what lies behind them, as well as topics related to international trade. Submitted papers should be anchored in a theoretical framework and based on practical research, focusing on practices in emerging markets and transitional economies.
Conference Time
Thursday, October 12, 2023: Opening, Plenary session I, Individual sessions.
Friday, October 13, 2023: Plenary session II, Individual sessions, Conference close.
Full conference schedule coming soon.
How to participate?
1. Register ASAP via email ifrs.conference@aauni.edu or globalrules2023@mup.cz
2. Submit full paper in MS WORD by August 1, 2023 (see Instructions here)
3. Expect the feedback on the paper within approx. 20 days.
4. Submit the revised version of the full paper by September 10, 2023
5. Expect the notification of acceptance within 10 days.
6. Pay the conference fee by September 20, 2023 (see instructions below)
7. Attend the conference on October 12–13, 2023, and present your work
Call for papers HERE
Conference language
Conference Topics
Topics suitable for the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Current issues arising from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on reporting, international trade, and economics
- Specific issues related to non-financial reporting
- The incorporation of EU Accounting Directives into national accounting rules
- Valuation of companies in transitional markets
- Sustainability, environmental and integrated reporting
- Professional training of accountants in the IFRS era
- Historical perspectives on IFRS in different countries
- Relationship between tax and accounting
- Impact of IFRS on reporting and controlling
- Financial reporting for SMEs
- Impression management
- Territorial aspects, e.g. growing importance of developing countries
- International taxation
- Regional impact of international trade regulations
- IFRS & capital markets
Conference fee
EUR 150 (i.e., CZK 3750)
Bank transfer for fees in CZK and EUR:
Payment in CZK to account number: 294158339/0800
IBAN: CZ33 0800 0000 0002 9415 8339
SWIFT (BIC): payments in CZK – GIBACZPX
Variable code: IFRS name surname
Payment in EUR to account No. 232013519/85050100
IBAN: DE17 8505 0100 0232 0135 19
Variable code: IFRS name surname
For more information, see here.