For Oneself : a Performance and Ritual Course Showcase

Students of the course Art Studio in Practice: Performance and Ritual will present their final projects on May 14, 2024 from 4 pm. Here is an overview of the exhibition:
Talking to Yourself, a Short Film by Genevieve Marie Smith
Talking to Yourself, in the quiet setting of the AAU Library, delves into the world of self-dialogue. Genevieve Smith uses insightful interviews and captivating cinematography to reflect the raw emotions and introspective moments of ordinary individuals as they confront the question “Do You Talk To Yourself?”.
Weaving Wishes, an installation by Helana “Helly” Shoushanian
Weaving Wishes is an immersive exhibition that explores the interconnectedness of human desires and aspirations. In an age where we are bombarded with countless images and messages, Weaving Wishes offers a space for introspection, reflection, and safety. Drawing inspiration from the intricate web of life, the centerpiece of the exhibition is a swing/net that symbolizes this interconnectedness.
Shoushanian invites you to engage with the concept of interconnectedness by physically interacting with the swing/net and experiencing the sensation of being part of a larger network of hopes and dreams. Through a combination of visual art, soundscapes, and interactive elements, Weaving Wishes aims to evoke a sense of wonder and contemplation.
By tying hopes and dreams on a ribbon and attaching them to the web, we can create a space for quiet contemplation and shared experience. This will bridge connections and foster empathy among its visitors, ultimately weaving together the diverse tapestry of human aspirations. Location: AAU courtyard
Inner Canvas, a portrait booth by Yuechen Cui
Inner Canvas in an art installation that allows the audience to interact with themselves through guided movements, sounds, visuals, etc. At the final stage of the ceremony, the audience is allowed to take a self-portrait. At the same time, the audience is provided with art materials or tools to express their self-knowledge and feelings in their own way, and the audience is encouraged to find their own way of expression in the artworks and reflect on their inner world. Location:Vojanovy Sady (The Garden).
Stillness and Peace, a yoga meditation by David Aloush
Stillness and Peace is a serene, captivating yoga and meditation experience. This performance will guide you through harmonious yoga poses, deep breathing, and meditation that allows participants to embrace stillness, inner peace, and self-awareness. Location: Vojanovy Sady (The Garden)