Colloquium: The Iron Curtain & Its Legacy in Finance & Education 35 Years Later

A colloquium jointly organized by Anglo-American University (AAU) and the Institute for Research in Economic & Fiscal Issues (IREF) will explore the lasting impacts of the Iron Curtain on finance and education. The event will take place on November 14, 2024, at 4 pm, in room 2.07.
The colloquium will feature presentations from AAU’s dean of business, Jiří Schwarz, Jr., and vice dean of business, Jan Vašenda, with their papers Inflation Rates in Europe: Legacy of the Iron Curtain, and Different Approaches to Quality and Cost Sharing in Higher Education: a Comparative Analysis, authored by each respectively.
Dr. Nathalie Janson, associate professor of economics at NEOMA Business School, and Dr. Jan Schnellenbach, chair of economics at Brandenburg Technical University, will then offer their informed commentary on each paper and the topics at hand.
All students, staff, and faculty, and anyone interested in economics and the enduring legacy of the Velvet Revolution are invited to attend. Please R.S.V.P. to Marek Šourek at