Classical Liberalism in Philosophy, Economics, and Law

The 2022 Seminar in Classical Liberalism in Philosophy, Economics, and Law will be an intensive, week-long survey of philosophical, economic, and political ideas that have played key roles in the history and development of classical liberalism. The Workshop will consist of two, 2.5-hour sessions most days, comprising an hour of lecture and 90 minutes of discussion.
The 2022 seminar program is accessible here.
Workshop faculty include:
- Prof. Josef Šima, Professor of Economics, Metropolitan University, Prague and Lecturer at Anglo-American University
- Prof. Mark LeBar, Professor of Philosophy, Florida State University
- Prof. Adam Martin, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University
- Prof. John Hasnas, Professor of Business, Georgetown McDonough School of Business, and Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law School.
How to Apply
Students (enrolled at any Institution of Higher Education) can now participate in the academic part of the seminar for a reduced program fee of 100 EUR, which will cover all program lectures. If interested please write to for more details and payment instructions.
Additionally, 3 scholarships will be offered to AAU students, who are interested to participate in the academic part of the seminar. For scholarship terms and requirements please reach out to .
The program application deadline for all students, including AAU students is: July 7, 2022.