30 Years of AAU: Anniversary Launch

Anglo-American University, Room 2.07

The AAU community is invited to join us for the launch of AAU’s 30th anniversary on February 11th, 2020 from 17:45-19:00 at the Thurn-Taxis Palace.

AAU was founded in 1990, shortly after the collapse of communism, as the Anglo-American College (AAC) by a family of Czech intellectuals, JUDr. Vlasta Raichlová and her son, Jansen Raichl. Their vision was to create an educational institution that would combine the best of American and British academic principles with Central European traditions and give students a wide range of opportunities for a future career in the local and international labor market. 30 years later we would like to kick off our year of celebration by looking back at the beginnings of our institution.


  • 5:45 PM: Welcome remarks from AAU President (Štěpán Müller)
  • 5:50 PM: 30 Years of AAU: Rewalking AAU’s History (Veronika Johanovská & guests)
  • 6:10 PM: Anniversary Surprise + Reception.

Join us after for food, wine, and refreshments as we reminisce on the story of Anglo-American University. We look forward to seeing you there!

In the meantime, watch an interview with one of AAU’s Founders, Dr. Richard L. Smith HERE.

Please note this event is reserved only for members of the AAU community.