Mgr. Zuzana Fellegi, M.A., LL.M., Ph.D.

Courses taught
Dr. Fellegi is a human rights lawyer and political scientist, engaged as a senior lecturer and researcher at the School of Law and the School of International Relations & Diplomacy. She also serves as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the European Journal of Politics and Gender (EJPG). Fellegi pursued her studies in human rights, European law, and political science at Muhlenberg College in the USA, Humboldt University in Berlin, and Sciences Po and l’ÉNA in Paris.
She has previously worked in the field of justice and home affairs for the European Commission and served as general director for human rights and minorities in the Office of the Slovak government, collaborating with international organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, OECD, and OSCE. Her extensive work and studies across Europe and the USA have provided her with significant cross-cultural experience, and she is fluent in seven languages.
Fellegi is an active member of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and its Standing Group on Gender and Politics (ECPG), the Czech Gender Expert Chamber (GEKR), the Association of Female Foreign Policy Experts, the Society Women in Law in Prague, and the Gender in Diplomacy (GenDip) network. She also participates in the Czech Governmental Council for Equality of Women and Men and serves on its Committee for Gender Equality in Politics and Decision-Making. Her areas of expertise include human rights and gender issues, European law and politics, and international organizations and law, which she both researches and teaches.
- Human rights at the regional and universal levels (EU, CoE, UN-CEDAW)
- Anti-discrimination, gender equality, and gender mainstreaming
- International organizations and their human rights impact
- Human rights impacts of military conflicts and humanitarian interventions
- EU policies and European comparative politics
- Cooperation among Visegrad states and Central European issues
List of publications
Fellegi, Z. (2024). Genderová rovnost ve veřejném rozhodování (Aneb kvóty a mýty) [Gender equality in public decision-making or quotas and myths]. Prague: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-80-7676-294-7
Editorial Work
Fellegi, Z., Hrbková, L., & Dubrow, J. (Eds.). (2023). Women and political power: Progress and challenges. Women’s Studies International Forum, Special Issue, November–December 2023. ISSN 0277-5395
Journal Articles
Fellegi, Z. (forthcoming). Genderové kvóty v mezinárodním právu [Gender quotas in international law]. Jurisprudence.
Fellegi, Z. (forthcoming). Možnosti aplikace genderových kvót v České republice [Possibilities of application of gender quotas in the Czech Republic]. Jurisprudence.
Fellegi, Z. (2024). Slaďování pracovního a rodinného života: lekce z pandemie a post-pandemické trendy [Work-life balance: Lessons from the pandemic and post-pandemic trends]. Soukromé právo (Private Law), 2024(9), 2-9. ISSN 2533-4239
Fellegi, Z. (2024). Slaďování pracovního a rodinného života: lekce z pandemie a post-pandemické trendy (část I) [Work-life balance: Lessons from the pandemic and post-pandemic trends (Part I)]. Soukromé právo (Private Law), 2024(7), 46-50. ISSN 2533-4239
Fellegi, Z., Hrbková, L., & Dubrow, J. (2023). Women’s political power: Global progress, persistent challenges. In Fellegi, Z., Hrbková, L., & Dubrow, J. (Eds.), Women and political power: Progress and challenges. Women’s Studies International Forum, 101(102818).
Hrbková, L., & Fellegi, Z. (2022). The quota debate in the Czech Republic and the post-communist legacy. In Fellegi, Z., Hrbková, L., & Dubrow, J. (Eds.), Women and political power: Progress and challenges. Women’s Studies International Forum, 95(102645).
Fellegi, Z., Kočí, K., & Benešová, K. (2022). Gender Strategies of Czech Female Diplomats. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 17(3), 431-462.
Fellegi Z, Kočí K, & Benešová K. (2023). Work and Family Balance in Top Diplomacy: The Case of the Czech Republic. Politics & Gender, 19(1), 220-246.
Book Chapters
Fellegi, Z. (forthcoming). Ke koncepčním základům genderové rovnosti a pozitivních opatření v oblasti rozhodování [On the conceptual foundations of gender equality and affirmative action in decision-making]. In Šimáčková, K., Havelková, B., & Špondrová, P. (Eds.), Mužské právo. Jsou právní pravidla neutrální? II. [Men’s law: Are the legal rules neutral? II]. Prague: Wolters Kluwer.
Fellegi, Z. (2020). Rovnost žen a mužů v České republice – jak dospět od formální úpravy k praktické aplikaci [Equality between women and men in the Czech Republic: How to advance from formal adjustments to practical application]. In Šmíd, M. (Ed.), Právo na rovné zacházení. Deset let antidiskriminačního zákona [Right to equal treatment: Ten years of anti-discrimination law] (pp. 66-105). Prague: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-80-7598-850-8
Fellegi, Z. (2020). Kdo se bojí Istanbulské úmluvy? [Who is afraid of the Istanbul Convention?]. In Šimáčková, K., Havelková, B., & Špondrová, P. (Eds.), Mužské právo. Jsou právní pravidla neutrální? [Men’s law: Are the legal rules neutral?], 297-331. Prague: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-80-7598-761-7
Fellegi, Z. (2019). Proč ratifikovat Istanbulskou úmluvu aneb mezinárodní lidskoprávní smlouvy jako český národní zájem [Why to ratify the Istanbul Convention or international human rights treaties as Czech national interest]. In Kizeková, A. (Ed.), České zájmy v roce 2019: Analýzy ÚMV [Czech interests in 2019: IIR analysis] (pp. 110-124). Prague: Institute of International Relations. ISBN 978-80-86506-86-9
Articles in Proceedings
Fellegi, Z. (2019). Feminism and understanding of the gender roles in the Czech Republic. In Bolcha, P., & Brucken, R. M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Rights (pp. 52-63). Prague: Anglo-American University; Vermont: Norwich University. ISBN 978-80-906585-8-5
Fellegi, Z. (2019). Obavy z Istanbulské úmluvy nejsou odůvodněné [Concerns about the Istanbul Convention are not justified]. In Office of the Czech Government, Department of Equality of Women and Men, Rozbor naplňování úmluvy rady Evropy o prevenci a potírání násilí na ženách a domácího násilí (Istanbulské úmluvy) ve vybraných státech Rady Evropy [Analysis of the implementation of the CoE Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) in selected CoE states], 17-21. Prague: Office of the Czech Government. CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/15_009/0002755
Fellegi, Z. (2018). Influence of the European gender acquis on the Czech legislation. In Giertl, A., & Beckova, D. (Eds.), The place, role and significance of domestic law in ensuring the performance of obligations stemming from international and European law, 138-155. Kosice: UPJS. ISBN 978-80-8152-595-7
Other articles and interviews
Fellegi, Z. (25.7.2022). Severské premiérky. Proč je Skandinávie v zastoupení žen tak úspěšná? (Nordic Prime Ministers. Why is Scandinavia so successful in women representation?). Referendum.
Fellegi, Z. (3.9.2019). Proč by ženy měli být zastoupené ve veřejném prostoru (Why women should be represented in the public sphere). In AMO campaign Ženy jsou… a chceme, aby byly slyšet! (Women are… and we want them to be heard!). Association for International Affairs (AMO).
Fellegi, Z. (17.6.2019). Ženy v právu. Právničky našly společnou platformu pro sdílení zkušenost (Women in Law. Lawyers Have Found a Common Platform for Sharing Experiences). Lidovky.
Fellegi, Z. (3.2019). Odborná veřejnost o Istanbulské úmluvě. (The professional public on the Istanbul Convention). Department of Equality of Women and Men, Office of the Czech Government.
Fellegi, Z. (3.2.2019). Jste vdaná, máte děti a kdy je plánujete mít? (Are you married, do you have children and when do you plan to have them?). Referendum. Fellegi, Z. (15.3.2018). Personal experiences and teaching at the AAU. Facult