Václav Linkov
Letenská 5, Prague 1

Václav Linkov is an adjunct lecturer in cross-cultural and indigenous psychology. He earned master’s degrees in mathematics and psychology, a bachelor’s degree in political science, a doctoral degree in social psychology, and a certificate in mathematics education—all from Masaryk University. Linkov also studied Asia-Pacific studies at National Chengchi University, an intensive course in Mandarin at Central China Normal University, and an intensive course in Korean at Sungkyunkwan University.
He has worked as an information systems programmer in several IT companies, as well as a lecturer or assistant professor in psychology or mathematics at various universities. His research interests include cultural and indigenous psychology, traffic psychology, and the connections between psychology and mathematics. Linkov has received several research awards, including the Early Career Award from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology and the Distinguished Early Career Professional Contributions Award from the Society for Media Psychology and Technology.