prof. Ing. Alena Zemplinerová, CSc.
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Graduated from the Prague School of Economics with M.A. degree and defended a Ph.D. degree in Economics. Received a scholarship for study in Economics, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School for International and Public Affairs, and worked for Solomon Brothers, Inc., Research Department, Emerging Market Group 1991-1992. She has been adviser to Minister of Privatization and consultant to OECD during the transformation of the centrally planned economy into a market economy. Worked on projects within the European Union and The World Bank. She has been lecturing and on study visits in Japan, China, Great Britain and South Africa. Her field is industrial organization, European integration, foreign direct investment and small businesses while focusing on empirical research and policy implications. She was managing and coordinating international and national research projects. She is a member of the editorial board of the journals Politicka Ekonomie, and TRANSFER. She served as member of Economic Advisory Group for Competition Policy (EAGCP) at DG-Competition, European Commission. She published numerous scientific articles, books and chapters in the books and was appointed as Professor of Economics in 2012. Since 2013 she is member of supervisory board of Phillip Morris CR a.s. and full professor at the Anglo-American University Prague.
Competition Policy (Antitrust), European Integration, State Aid, Foreign Direct Investment, Small and Medium Size Enterprises
Publications & Other Activities
- Zemplinerová A., Czech OFDI, 2012, Investment Strategies and Motivation to Invest Abroad, Eastern European Economics, vol. 50, no. 2, March-April 2012, pp. 25-43
- Zemplinerová A., 2012, Effects of foreign direct investment: the case of the Czech economy, Charles University in Prague, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) and Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. (EI), 161 str.
- Bolcha P., and A. Zemplinerová, 2012, Dopad investičních pobídek na objem investic v České republice, Politická ekonomie,1, 2012, str.81- 100
- Zemplinerová A., Hromádková E., 2012, „Determinants of Innovations“, Prague Economic Papers, 4, 2012, str. 487-503
- Zemplinerová, A., 2011, „How does international business affect economic growth?“, conference proceedings, 8th International Conference „Economic Integrations, Competition and Cooperation“, Opatija, Croatia April 6-9, 2011
- Zemplinerová A., 2010, Ausländische und einheimische Unternehmen in der internationalen Arbeitsteilung: Der Fall Tschechien, Transformation, Leipziger Beiträege zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Nr. 27/28, 2010, str. 111-122
- Zemplinerová A., 2010, Inovační aktivita firem a konkurence. [Innovation activity of firms and competition], Politické ekonomie č. 6, 2010, str. 747-760
- Zemplinerová, A., 2010, The Community State Aid Action Plan and the Challenge of Developing an Optimal Enforcement System, chapter 20 in I.Lianos a & I. Kokkoris eds., The Reform of EC Competition Law: New Challenges, Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands, pp. 521-535
- Zemplinerová A., 2009, Innovation, Market Structure and Competition Policy in the Czech Republic and in the Enlarged EU, in C. Kunze and T. Lenk eds. Innovation as a Key Factor of Economic Growth in the Enlarged European Union, University of Leipzig, ZIW, 2009 pp 85-98
- Zemplinerová A., 2009, Teoretické aspekty konkurence [Theoretical Aspects of Competition], in Konkurence – teoretické a praktické aspekty [Competition – theoretical and practical aspects], Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava, April 2009
- Zemplinerová A., 2008, Úvod do organizace odvětví a trhů [Introduction to Industrial Organisation] Oeconomia VŠE Praha, str 211
- Zemplinerová A., 2008, Relevant market, economic analysis and information, in Definition of Relevant Markets and other Topical Issues of Protection of Competition in the Enlarged European Union, Czech Association for Competition Law and the Anglo-American University, pp. 28-39. ISBN 978-80-866448-18-4
- Zemplinerová A., 2007, Key aspects of the Czech transition, In I. Kiglics ed. Rebuilding the Market Economy in Central-East Europe and the Baltic Countries, Academiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 83-102
- Zemplinerová, A., 2006, “Efekty státní podpory podniků [Effects of State Aid to Enterprises],” Politická ekonomie, 54, 2: 204-213.