PhDr. Radek Soběhart, PhD
Letenská 5, Prague 1

Radek studied political science and history and received his PhD in general history from the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University. During his studies, he spent several semesters at various German universities (Berlin, Heidelberg and Bayreuth).
Radek taught economic history, history of international relations, economic policy, introduction to economics, and introduction to management at the University of Economics, Metropolitan University (Prague), the University of Technology and Economics (České Budějovice), and Jan Evangelista Purkyně University (Ústí nad Labem) (UJEP). He is currently the director of the Laboratory of Behavioural Studies at UJEP.
Radek focuses on political-economic analysis (electoral systems, party financing, and impact assessment of economic regulation), the history of economic thought, and modern European history.
He has been involved in project management for a long time and has extensive experience in managing national and international projects (GAČR, TAČR, OPVV, OPJAK, COST, Interreg, Horizon). Since 2022, he has held the position of director of research at AAU.