Ing. Peter Bolcha, Ph.D.

Peter Bolcha earned both his MSc and PhD in economics at the University of Economics, Prague. His research interests are connected with empirical economics and applied econometrics. Bolcha has published on topics related to evaluations of government policies and applied economics.
Along with his academic activities, which include past work at the University of Economics and Charles University, he has worked on multiple projects with major institutions and companies such as RWE (innogy), the Czech Ministry of Trade, and the Czech Traffic Police.
Bolcha has managed over 80 junior consulting projects for students and serves as director of the International Consulting Program at AAU. Additionally, he founded the Center for Applied Research (now the AAU Research Office), which he led as a director of research for five years.
Peter Bolcha is now the principal investigator of grant project CK03000255 “New Generation of Traffic Accidents Statistics for Police CR”, provided by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic for AAU and Charles University.
applied microeconomics, applied econometrics, empirical research
Publications & Other Activites
- Team member of grant project CK01000049 „Developing advanced tools for analysis of traffic accidents for Czech Police“, Technological Agency Czech Republic for the Charles University and Masaryk University (2020-2022)
- Principal investigator of the fellowship project “Relative efficiency of public road construction spending as an indicator of possible corruption: the case of Czech Republic”, Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues, France, (2019-2021)
- BOLCHA, P., FANTA, M., & VOZÁROVÁ, P. (2021). Transport infrastructure expenditure in Czechia: Law compliance in the public procurement. IREF Working Paper, No. 202106.
- SANTOS ROLDÁN, L.; PALACIOS FLORENCIO, B.; BOLCHA, P., (2021), Tourists’ characteristics in relation to expectations, satisfaction and loyalty in hotel industry, Esic Market Economics and Business Journal, 52(3), e5234. DOI: 10.7200/esicm.168.0523.4
- PEDRAZA-RODRÍGUEZ, J. A., BOLCHA P. & SANTOS-ROLDÁN, L. (2020) From strategies to innovation: an empirical study from Spain, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2020.1795112
- BOLCHA P. & SANTOS-ROLDÁN, L., STRATULAT M. (2020). Effects of FDI on Domestic Employment: Czech Case. In I. Jindřichovská, & P.Bolcha (Eds.), Conference Proceedings: 8th International Scientific Conference IFRS: Global Rules & Local Use – Beyond the Numbers, 9-10 October 2020, TBA. Prague: Anglo-American University; Metropolitan University Prague.
- BOLCHA, P. (ed.), ANTIcorruption&fraud: DETECTION&MEASUREMENT, Proceedings of the international conference, Anglo-American University, Prague April 7, 2017. ISBN 978-80-906585-2-3
- BOLCHA, P., ROVNÝ, J. (2016). Luck or luxury? Possible corruption in the car registration process in the Czech Republic. Journal of Public Policy, 36(4), 603-638. doi:10.1017/S0143814X15000276
- BOLCHA, P. — ZEMPLINEROVÁ, A. Dopad investičních pobídek na objem investic v České republice. Politická ekonomie : teorie modelování, aplikace. 2012. sv. 60, č. 1, s. 81–100. ISSN 0032-3233
- BOLCHA, P. O výpočte fiškálneho dopadu investičnej podpory. Politická ekonomie : teorie modelování, aplikace. 2008. sv. LVI, č. 2, s. 257–274. ISSN 0032-3233.
- BOLCHA, P. Kant – Sartre a späť. Acta oeconomica Pragensia : vědecký časopis Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze.. sv. 13, č. 5, s. 61–71. ISSN 0572-3043.
- SCHWARZ, J. — BARTOŇ, P. — BOLCHA, P. — HEŘMANSKÝ, P. — MACH, P. Analýza investičních pobídek v České republice. Praha. 2007
- BOLCHA, P. Efekty migrácie a odhady budúcich migračních tokov v kontexte rozšírenia Kadeřábková, B (ed.) Dopady globalizace na trhy práce. Praha: Oeconomica, 2006. 1 s. ISBN 80-245-1092-8.