Pavla Jonssonová, Ph.D.
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Pavla Jonssonová specializes in contemporary culture and subcultures. Her publications include three monographs Women, Music, Creativity: from Hildegard to Cosey Fanni Tutti in English, Devět z české hudební alternativy osmdesátých let (Czech Music Alternative of the 1980s) (English version pending) and Růžové vrány. Muzikantky 21. Století (Interviews with twenty Czech women musicians), numerous articles, interviews, poetry, and translations. Since 1980 she has performed in various rock bands e.g. Plyn, Dybbuk, Zuby nehty, who produced numerous albums and a film for television. Currently, she plays the bass for Malé zuby. She is a member of a civic association Puppets in Hospitals who perform for sick children.
Contemporary Culture, Music Anthropology, Literature, Gender Studies
Publications & Other Activities
- Devět z české hudební alternativy osmdesátých let (Czech Music Alternative of the 1980s) Karolinum: Praha 2019
- Women, Music, Creativity: from Hildegard to Cosey Fanni Tutti. Lambert Academic Publishing: Berlin 2017
- Jonssonová, Pavla. “Czech Alternative Myths: Hokkaido Recording Company, Prague, 1980s”. 189-197 in: Hidden Cities: Understanding Urban Popcultures Ed. Leonard R. Koos Inter-Disciplinary Press Oxford, United Kingdom © Inter-Disciplinary Press 2012,
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Recenze. Marta Kolářová ed.: Revolta stylem. Hudební subkultury mládeže v České republice.(Revolt in Style. Music in Youth Subcultures in the Czech Republic.) 387-390. Urban People/Lidé Města 14, 2012.
- Jurková, Zuzana, Jonssonová, Pavla. “Plastic People v sítích.” 167-175. Společnost českých zemí v evropských kontextech. České evropanství ve srovnávacích perspektivách, sborník z konference FHS UK. Praha 2012
- Jonssonová, Pavla, Jurkova, Zuzana. “Macropulos Case as a Semiotic Experience”. Lidé města/Urban People, září 2010.
- Prague Soundscapes. Ed. Jurková Zuzana
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Vlasta, Ancient Czech Myths and the Myth Reinterpretation: An Interview with the Documentary Filmmaker Hana Zelezna. Iluminace 4/2008, pp 141-9.
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Guma Guar, Partyzans of Our Galleries & Blackfire, Rock Café concert review. Czech Free Press 0/2008, pp. 42-48.
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Miliónová boxerka básnického ringu: Anne Waldman
- a ženská performanční poezie 67-79 Million Dollar Baby in the poetry ring:
- Anne Walkman and performance poetry Slovo a smysl_Word and Sense Časopis pro mezioborová bohemistická studia A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theory and Criticism in Czech Studies, FFUK Praha 2007, also:
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Women in Electronic Music. HIS Voice 3/2007, pp. 38-40.
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Eva Turnova. HIS Voice 4/2007, pp. 35-8-38
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Revolution in Punk Poetics, in: Texts of the 1st Conference of Czech and Slovak Feminist Studies, Praha:
- FHS UK, 2007.
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Inga Muscio: Radical Manifests for Radical Students, in: Labyrinth of Women’s Literary World, Proceedings from International Conference. Praha: Literarni Akademie, 2007
- Jonssonova, Pavla et al. The Visible Woman. The Best from the Published by in 2007 with the support of the Open Society Fund Prague
- Jonssonová, Pavla. Jak tancuji postpunkerky (Postpunkgirls‘ Dances): Tanecni Zona, Tanec a gender. Summer 2005/9, 12-15.
- Pavla Jonssonova. Top Girls Caryl Churchill in: Caryl Churchill, Top Girls, Narodni divadlo, Praha 2004, 56-69.