Pamir H. Sahill, Ph.D.

Pamir H. Sahill is an Anglo-American University alumnus and a lecturer at the School of International Relations and Diplomacy. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Economics and Business in Prague (Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze).
His doctoral research focuses on the discourses of US War on Terror and state-building in Afghanistan. In the dissertation, he has developed two Foucauldian-inspired notions: the politics (and spaces) of confinement and biopower. With the help of these concepts, he offers a contextual and critical understanding of the US war and state-building discourses and their far-reaching implications for post-2001 Afghanistan and the region.
He is currently investigating how a biopower has (and is) penetrating our societies, in what way this new technology of power will alter near(future) security practices and warfare, and what are its political and social implications.
Dr. Sahill’s other research interests revolve around theoretically and empirically exploring the notions and discourses of international (in)security, terrorism, post-conflict state-building, the politics of Anthropocene and Climate Change, and gender studies in Global South.
International Security, Terrorism Studies, Theories of Globalization, (Critical) Discourse Analysis, State-building Theory and Practice, (Foucauldian) Poststructuralism, Post-colonialism and Developmentalism, and Politics and Security in Afghanistan, South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa (MENA).
List of Publications
- Sahill, Pamir H., (forthcoming), Turbulent Afghanistan: A critical analysis of the US politics of confinement and the rise of the Taliban, Routledge.
Articles in Peer-reviewed journals
- Sahill, Pamir H., (2023), Dwelling in an all-male world: A critical analysis of the Taliban discourse on Afghan women, Women’s Studies International Forum, 98 (May-June) – Special Issue (Women and Political Power: Progress and Challenges), Impact Factor (2021): 1.736, doi:
- Sahill, Pamir H., (2019), The U.S. War on Terror Discourse: Mapping Depoliticization and the Politics of Confinement in Afghanistan, Insight Turkey, 21(1), pp. 189-208, Impact Factor (2021): 0.544, doi:
- Sahill, Pamir H., (2018), The Terror Speaks: Inside Pakistan’s Terrorism Discourse and National Action Plan, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 41(4), 319-337, Impact Factor (2021): 1.960, doi:
- Sahill, Pamir H., (2017), Charlie Hebdo Attack: an Analysis of Consequences and the Role of Political Islam in the EU, Jan Masaryk Review of International Studies, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 6-22. URL:
Selected Publications in Media
- Sahill, Pamir, (2023), Ženy nesmí na univerzity ani do parků. Tálibán udržuje v Afghánistánu totalitu, bez odporu, Hospodářské Noviny Online.
- Sahill, Pamir, (2022), Íránské ženy představují pro islámský vojenský režim zpochybnění jeho existence, E-15 journal.
- Sahill, Pamir, (2021), Divided By Pakistan’s Border Fence, Pashtuns Lose Business, Rights, And Tribal Ties, RFE/RL Gandhara.
- Sahill, Pamir, (2020), Pakistan’s North Waziristan Plagued By Targeted Killings, RFE/RL Gandhara.
- Sahill, Pamir, (2016), ‘A Lot Of People Losing A Lot Of Sleep’: The Impact Of The Panama Papers, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
- Czech Association of Contemporary Asian Studies (CACAS), Prague.
- Jan Masaryk Centre of International Studies, Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague.
- Centre for Asian Studies, Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague.
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