prof. PhDr. Milada Polišenská, CSc.
Letenská 5, Prague 1
Office No. 4.02

Milada Polišenská is a tenured Professor of history and international relations. Her main specialization is the modern and contemporary history of Central and Eastern Europe with a primary focus on diplomatic history and history of nationalism; her research and publications also focus on the history of exile, emigration, and travels and on selected issues of South, Southeast, and East Asian history, and on the history of education. She is the author of several scholarly books and of a number of articles and conference presentations. She can report dozens of citations of her works, one of her most cited publications is a monograph “Czechoslovak Diplomacy and the Gulag, 1945-1953” published by Central European Press: New York, Budapest, 2015. She has worked for the Institute of International Relations in Prague and for the Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences as well as taught as Visiting Professor at universities in the United States, Taiwan, and Thailand. Prof. Polišenská has been awarded several major research grants, scholarships (Fulbright scholarship), and fellowships (Cold War International History Project Fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., the Senior Fernand Braudel Fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy). She is a member of academic boards at several universities and a reviewer of the Czech Accreditation Office and of CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies). She joined AAU in 2003 and has held various administrative positions. Since 2008, she has been serving as Provost of AAU.
Modern European history with a primary focus on diplomatic history and international relations (interwar period, Cold War, relations of Central and Eastern Europe with the United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union, South, Southeast, and East Asia), nation and state-building, additional expertise in the history of exile, emigration and travels from Central and Eastern Europe and in the history of education.
Courses Taught
Diplomatic History, Women in Foreign Service and Diplomacy, Central European History, Germany in the Modern World
Publications & Other Activities
Most recently: coordinator of project – Comparing Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Alternative Leadership Styles in the V4 supported by a grant from International Visegrad Fund (September 2021-2023). See
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Anglo-American College 1990-2000: Against All Odds. Prague: Anglo-American University, 2021.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada, KAŠNÝ, Jiří (eds.). František Uhlíř. Dva exily. Život a dílo politika, učitele a duchovního [František Uhlíř. Two exiles. Life and work of politician, educator and spiritual leader]. Prague: Academia (2022).
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Diplomatic Relations of Czechoslovakia and the Paris Peace Conference: Twenty Four Countries of Three Continents.In Horčička,V., Němeček, J. et al. (eds.). The Frustrated Peace? The Versailles Treaty and Its Political, Social and Economic Impact on Europe, 61-79. Vienna: New Academic Press, 2021.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Sustainable Development and Ethics in the Strategic Planning of Tertiary Education: Buddhist Values as a Promise for the Future. In Thich Nhat Tu, Thich Duc Thien (eds.). Buddhist Approach to Global Education in Ethics, pp. 691-717. Hanoi: Hong Duc Publishing House, 2019.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Provisional Korean Government in Exile and the Czechoslovak Legion in the Far East. In: HAYS II, George, POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada (eds.). Korea and the Czech Republic. Retracing the Path to Independence. Symposium proceedings, Prague, April 24, 2019. Prague: Anglo-American University, 2020, 31-47.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada.Praska Wiosna i pięćdziesiąt lat mojego życia. Refleksje i spuścizna. In Podemski, Piotr, Dario Prola. Rok 1968 w Europie. Badania i Pamięć, 61-79. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 2019.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. A Forgotten Mission after a “Forgotten War”: the Czechoslovak Delegation to the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission in Korea (1953-1954). In HAYS II., George and POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada (eds.). Korean Security and the 65 Year Search for Peace. Conference proceedings April 26-27, 2018, 92. Prague: Anglo-American University, 2018, 12-20.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, M. Quo vadis, University Education? Challenges and Perspectives of Central Europe. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Special issue/ December 18, 2018.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Dark Future for Czechoslovakia: American and Polish Diplomats during the Munich Crisis. Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku. Bialostockie Teki Historyczne, 16/2018, 1-19.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Czechoslovak Diplomacy and the Gulag. Deportation of Czechoslovak Citizens to the USSR and the Negotiations for their Repatriation, 1945-1953. New York-Budapest: Central European University Press, 2015.
- POLIŠENSKÁ, Milada. Diplomatické vztahy Československa a USA 1918-1938. I. díl, Ministerstva, legace a diplomaté. II. díl. Priority, diplomatická praxe a politický kontext [Diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and the United States 1918-1938.I.Foreign ministries, legations and diplomats, II. Priorities, diplomatic practice and political context]. Prague: Libri, 2012, 2014.
Academic gremia, memberships, boards
- Member of Academic Assembly of Czech Academy of Sciences (from 2018)
- Member of the advisory committee of Klio Polska, a journal of Institute of History of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
- Presidium of Academic Council of Tertiary Educational Institutions of the Czech Republic (2005-2018)
- Academic Council for Ph.D. studies in International Relations ( Charles University and University of West Bohemia, Plzeň) and History (Palacký University, Olomouc)
- Project evaluator of CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies)
- Member of assessment commission of National Accreditation Bureau
Centennial Award for promoting collaboration in the cultural and educational spheres between the United States and the Czech Republic – U. S. Embassy in Prague, 2018