Mgr. Marek Červený
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Marek studied at the Charles University where he obtained his master’s degree at the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Arts. He worked as a assistant to Prof. David Holeton (Charles University), Prof. Nicholas Sawicki (Lehigh University) and for the Cahen Archives, Canada. His own research focuses on modern Czech art, official art commissions and funeral art. He also works as a private tour guide.
Art History
Publications & Other Activities
- Choose a Way – Prague, Prague 2015,
- Reflexe doby ve funerální plastice sochaře Rudola Březy [The Funerary Sculpture of Rudolf Březa As a Reflection of His Time], In: Jiří Roháček (ed.) EPIGRAPHICA ET SEPULCRALIA V, Prague 2015, p. 29-39,
- Voják a fúrie – Ke genezi Štursových hlavic pro Legiobanku [The Soldier and the Fury – The Origins of Sculptural Decoration of the Legiobank by Jan Štursa], In: Petr Hlaváček (ed.) O FELIX BOHEMIA – Studie k dějinám české reformace, Prague 2013, p. 288-295,
- Nenaplněná Nadace – Nebužely 1937: Vznik a fungování Nadace JUC Otakara Huňka a Antonie Machulkové rodem Huňkové ku podpoře slovanských studentů v Praze [The Lost Donation – Nebužely Village 1937], Prague 2012.