Karina Kottová, Ph.D.
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Karina Kottová is a curator and theoretician of contemporary art. Currently she is a director of the Jindřich Chalupecký Society. Her previous affiliations include: chief curator at MeetFactory international center for contemporary art (2012-15), Head of Education at DOX Centre for Contemporary Art (2009-12) and Head of Education at Museum Kampa (2007-2009).
Among projects she established and co-established are INI Gallery, an independent process-oriented project space, the Věra Jirousová Award for art critics, an educational platform UMA: You Make Art and Prádelna Bohnice, a space for contemporary art in the premises of a former laundry of a psychiatric hospital in Prague. Kottova regularly contributes to Czech Flash Art, A2, Art&Antiques or Artalk.cz. She was a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague and currently teaches at the Anglo American University of Prague.
Kottová earned a BA in Humanities from the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and an MA in Art and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education from Universiteit Maastricht, the Netherlands. She defended her PhD. in Theory and History of Art at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. In 2012 she was a Fulbright-Masaryk scholar affiliated with the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York.
Contemporary Art, Art Theory, Curating, Art Education, Art Management