JUDr. Ing. Mgr. Libor Lukášek, Ph.D.
Letenská 5, Prague 1

Dr. Libor Lukášek is the chair of the International and European Legal Studies Department at AAU, a former top manager, independent consultant/advisor, and university lecturer, specializing in international law and its impacts.
Lukášek graduated from the following institutions:
- Charles University, Faculty of Law (2000)
- Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of International Relations (2007)
- Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics (2002)
- Masaryk University (Brno), Faculty of Law (1997)
- Masaryk university (Brno), Faculty of Education (1997)
Lukášek started his career in the International Law Department of the Ministry of Defence and later became an advisor for three ministers of Czech government. He worked in top management positions for key Czech state institutions and corporations and was responsible for strategy, strategy development, international relations and management of property holdings.
Additionally, Lukášek was a member of the statutory and control bodies of many strategic important joint-stock companies. As the head of a negotiation team, he made a significant contribution of 5% stake acquisition in the Transalpine pipeline companies from Shell Deutschland in 2012 for the Czech state. This extraordinary transaction resulted in a significant strengthening of the energy security of the Czech Republic. He designed the concept and was co-founder of International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT) and was the first executive director and member of the board of directors.
In the academic and research area, in 2001, Lukášek received the Dean’s award for the best Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business. He was a member of the editorial board of the International Politics Journal and vice-chairman of the Scientific and Pedagogical Council of the Institute of Economics at Charles University. Lukášek has published multiple materials oriented to international law, energy security, foreign policy, and geopolitics and is a member of the Czech Society for International Law.
Additionally, he lectured for the Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies at the Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business and at the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.
Energetická bezpečnost České republiky. Hrubý, Z.-Lukášek, L. a kol. Karolinum Praha 2015. ISBN: 978-80-246-2974-2
The Visegrad Group. Verlag Dr. Kovač Hamburg 2012. ISSN 2192-1881;
Visegrádská skupina a její vývoj v letech 1991-2004. Karolinum Praha 2011. ISBN 978-80-246-1859-3;
Mezinárodní právo v komentovaných dokumentech. Karolinum Praha 2011. ISBN 978-80-246-1898-2.
Fenomén mezinárodního terorismu ve světle současného mezinárodního práva. Dokumenty (1. část) Západočeská univerzita Plzeň 2000. ISBN 80-7082-690-8;
Fenomén mezinárodního terorismu ve světle současného mezinárodního práva. Dokumenty (2. část). Západočeská univerzita Plzeň 2000. ISBN 80-7082-690-8;
Komentované dokumenty ke studiu mezinárodního práva veřejného – I. díl. VŠE Praha 2001. ISBN 80-245-0193-7;
Komentované dokumenty ke studiu mezinárodního práva veřejného – II. díl. VŠE Praha 2001. ISBN 80-245-0194-5;
Vývoj lidské dimenze (ochrany lidských práv a základních svobod) v komentovaných dokumentech – 1. díl. VŠE Praha 2003. ISBN 80-245-0528-2;
Vývoj lidské dimenze (ochrany lidských práv a základních svobod) v komentovaných dokumentech – 2. díl. VŠE Praha 2003. ISBN 80-245-0529-0;
international law, international relations and diplomacy, energy policy, energy security, Visegrad Group, strategy consultancy and management
Energy Security in International Relations
Public International Law
International Organizations
International Law in International Policy