Joshua M. Hayden, Ed.D.
Letenská 5, Prague 1
Office No. 4.12

Josh Hayden earned his doctorate in higher education leadership and policy from Vanderbilt University in the U.S. and has published and taught in the field of leadership studies for the past ten years. His research interests are Václav Havel’s moral leadership, leadership ethics and change, self-awareness, and adaptive leadership theory and practice. Josh led the Quality Enhancement Plan on Scholarship, Learning, and Academic Mentoring at Cumberland University and built executive education leadership programs at Lipscomb University, both in Nashville, Tennessee. He has worked with community, educational and organizational leaders in Haiti, India, Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Brazil.
His wife and 4 children love the outdoors, the arts, sports, traveling, and he plays the banjo in his spare time.
Research Interests
- Psychology/management: Self-awareness for authentic leadership
- Public leadership: Inclusive leadership and reconciliation
- History: Historical leaders and social change
- Organizational Psychology/management and Ethics: Adaptive leadership, trust and organizational effectiveness
Selected Publications
- Hayden, J. (2020) “We Shall Overcome Some Day”: Leadership in the Velvet Revolution and Civil Rights Movement. Paper delivered at the Anglo-American Studies Roundtable “America and the World” on October 16, 2020. (Link to the online presentation:
- Hayden, J. & James, S. (2018) “The Leadership Iceberg: A Process for Building Resilience, Empathy & Psychological Integration in Authentic Leadership. Conference workshop at the International Leadership Association Global Conference in West Palm Beach, FL October 24-27, 2018.
- Hayden, J. (2017) Václav Havel, the Playwright-Dissident: Theatre as a seismograph for social change. In Erenrich, S. & Wergin, J. Leadership & The Arts For Social Change. International Leadership Association Building Leadership Bridges series.
- Hayden, J.; Inman, N. & Elysee, P.A. (2016) “Inclusive Leadership in Haiti: Cross-cultural Challenges and Opportunities”. Accepted presentation at the International Leadership Association Global Conference in Atlanta, GA November 2-5, 2016.