Jevgenija Konoreva
Lecturer, psychoanalysis and society
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Letenská 5, Prague 1

Konoreva is a lecturer in the School of Psychology. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychoanalysis and Philology and M.A. in English and American studies from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. She is the founder of the project Lacan.Link, devoted to the study of the most recent developments in the psychoanalytic theory and structuralism, and is a practicing psychoanalyst. Konoreva joined AAU in 2025 to lecture and help broaden students’ understanding of psychoanalysis as theory, practice, and institution, and its engagement in the intellectual life of a contemporary subject.
psychoanalysis, cultural studies, structuralism
Publications and Other Activities:
- Organizing and hosting the conference The Paternal Metaphor, International online: 2023.
- “The New Borders of Psychoanalysis”, Psychoanalysis – a Public Science, Moscow School of Economics conference: 2023.
- “Psychoanalytic Communities and How It Is Spoken About”, Tbilisi International Psychoanalytic Conference: May 2024.
- “Pleasure Practices: From Rousseau to Fandom”, World Congress: Foucault 40 years after, June 2024
- “New Encounter with the Hysteric’s Desire”, Action, Labor, Creation, Stasis №1, 2022.
- “The Theory of Resistance or the Resistance to Theory”, The Underside of Psychoanalysis, Logos 33, №3, 2023.
- “Theory’s Misalliance: the Position of Psychoanalysis Today”, Reading Althusser, conference paper and hosting, November 2024.
- “Incels – the Logic of Masculine Desire”, Man, Father, Son, conference, February 2025.