Jakub Drábik, Ph.D.
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Jakub Drábik is an assistant professor at Anglo-American University, Masaryk University in Brno, and a research fellow at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He completed his doctorate at Charles University in Prague in 2014 and spent time as a visiting research scholar at Oxford Brookes University, Wroclaw University, Central European University, and most recently, Vienna University. He is mainly interested in comparative fascism studies in his research, particularly British and Czech fascism. His research and teaching, however, cover a broad range of topics from the history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. He is the author of three books and many other publications.
History of fascism; European fascisms, British and Czechoslovak interwar history; history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
Publications (selected)
- DRÁBIK, Jakub – RÁKOSNÍK, Jakub (eds.). Od bouře k bouři. Československo, Evropa a svět mezi dvěma světovými válkami (1918–1938/39). Praha: Nakladatelství Academia, 2022.
- NEŠŤÁKOVÁ, Denisa – GROSSE-SOMMER, Katja – KLACSMANN, Borbála – DRÁBIK, Jakub (eds.). If this is a Woman: Studies on Women and Gender in the Holocaust. Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2021
- DRÁBIK, Jakub (ed.). Operation Danube reconsidered : The intenational Aspects of the Czechoslovak 1968 Crisis. Stuttgart : ibidem-Verlag, 2021.
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. Fašizmus [Fascism]. Bratislava: Premedia, 2019
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. Fašista. Příběh Oswalda Mosleyho [Fascist. The story of sir Oswald Mosley] Praha: Academia, 2017.
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. Mýtus o znovuzrození. Britská unie fašistů a její propaganda. [Myth of Rebirth. Propaganda of the British Union of Fascists] Praha: Nakladatelství Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, 2014, ISBN 978-80-7308-520-9
Research Papers/Studies
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. “With courage against the system.” The ideology of the people’s party our Slovakia. In Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 2023, pp. 1-18. DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/25739638.2022.2164119
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. Pomalé překračování tradičních mezí. Fašismus v první ČSR jako metodologický problém české, slovenské a československé historiografie z hlediska historiků „nového konsenzu“ [Slowly Crossing the Traditional Boundaries. Fascism in the First Czechoslovak Republic as a Methodological Problem of Czech, Slovak and Czechoslovak Historiography from the Point of View of Historians of the “New Consensus”]. In Soudobé dějiny, 2022, roč. 29, č. 2, pp. 379-414.
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. Corporatist models in the ideology of the Czechoslovak National Fascist Community. In An Authoritarian Third Way in the Era of Fascism : Diffusion, Models and Interactions in Europe and Latin America. – London ; New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, pp. 137-153
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. A very long shadow: the Munich Agreement in post-war Czechoslovak communist propaganda, ideology and historiography, 1948–1989. In. The Munich Crisis and the People. International, Transnational and Comparative perspectives. Manchester: Manchester university press, 2021, pp. 44 – 65.
- DRÁBIK, Jakub. The History of Czech Fascism: A Reappraisal. In. IORDACHI, Constantin – KALLIS, Aristotle (eds.). Beyond the Fascist Century: Essays in Honour of Roger Griffin. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. 177-194.