Prof. Eva Eckert, Ph.D.

Eva Eckert is a Professor of Linguistics. Her areas of academic interest include language contact and loss, migration history and immigrant languages, language atrophy, sociolinguistics and the psychology of language, mind and the brain.
At AAU she teaches Psychology: Language and the Mind, The Story of Language: Empires, Language and Global English, Language and Power, and Sociolinguistics, while at Charles University’s Department of Linguistics she teaches Human Language and Mind: Thinking and Speaking.
Eva Eckert earned her Ph.D. at the University of California in Berkeley, her M.A. at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and her tenure and professorship at Connecticut College where her career developed from 1990 to 2010. She chaired Slavic Studies there, coordinated a program in Linguistics, and conducted a Study Away semester for American students at Charles University, Prague.
She presented papers, organized and chaired panels at conferences of the American Association for Advancement of Slavic Studies, American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, and Czechoslovak Society for Arts and Sciences. In 2012, she was a Visiting Professor at the Hankuk University for Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea.
Her books include Letters in Chronicling migration and Integration (upcoming at Slavica Publishers); Stones on the Prairie: Acculturation in America (Slavica Publishers, 2007); Kameny na prérii: Čeští vystěhovalci v Texasu (NLN 2004); and Varieties of Czech: Studies in Czech Sociolinguistics (Rodopi Editions, Amsterdam/ Atlanta, 1993).
Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Immigration, Language Contact, Psychology and Language and the Mind, Nationalism and Nation Building, Language Policy and Ideology.
Publications & Other Activities
- 2022 Social responsibility of mining companies at the time of COVID-19: Dear Shareholders! Sustainability 14/1, 350;
- 2021 Codeswitching. Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Brill, (Language Accommodation and Assimilation — Brill (; in print 2023/24.2022 Language Accommodation and Adaptation. Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Brill online; in print 2023/24.
- 2021 Sustainability in the European Union: Analyzing the Discourse of the European Green Deal, Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14, 2, 80;
- 2019 Letters Sustaining Cross-Atlantic Migrations: From Frenštát, Moravia to Frenstat, Texas in the Decades Following the Civil War. Český lid 106, 205–228. doi:
- 2019 Franz Kafka and His Prague Contexts: Studies in Language and Literature. Review.Slovo a slovesnost 80, 145-150.
- 2018 Immigration, Language, and Conflicting Ideologies: The Czech in Texas. In: Brunn S., Kehrein R. (eds.) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Springer
- 2017 The Power of Language, Learning and Socialization: Romani and Ebonics, Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 16:1, 45-58 doi 10.1080/15348458.2016.1265451 Link
- 2017 Atrofie. In Karlík P., Nekula M. & J. Pleskalová (eds.), CzechEncy – Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny – komplet [New encyclopedic dictionary of Czech], Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
- 2017 Čeština v Americe. In Karlík P., Nekula M. & J. Pleskalová (eds.), CzechEncy – Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny – komplet [New encyclopedic dictionary of Czech], Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
- 2017 review of Trans-Atlantic Migration, V.V. Hingarová and E.M. Jensen, eds., Prague: FFUK Varia.
- 2016 Mezi starou a novou vlastí by M. Vlha, review, Český lid 4/103, 667-70.
- 2016 Romani in the Czech Sociolinguistic Space. Special Issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language 238: Multilingualism and minorities in the Czech sociolinguistic space, eds. L. Cope &E. Eckert, Routledge Publ., 59-83.
- 2016 Multilingualism and minorities in the Czech sociolinguistic space: Introduction, Special Issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language 238, eds. L. Cope&E. Eckert, Routledge Publ., 1-14.
- 2015 American Ethnicity and Czech Immigrants’ Integration in Texas: Cemetery Data, Journal Studia Migracyjne-Przeglad Polonijny 4.
- 2015 Language planning for Romani in the Czech Republic. Current Issues in Language Planning v. 16/1-2, pp. 80-96.
- 2013 Review of Francis Rask, Long Road to Victory, Slavic and East European Journal 57.4, Winter 2013.2012 Národ a jazyk: Migranti v americké společnosti. Lidé města/Urban People 14/1, 17-45.
- 2012 Regionální rozvoj a český národ v Texasu v 19. st. [Regional development and the Czech nation in the 19th c. Texas], XV. International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University, 224-238.
- 2011 Migration and Memory in Central Europe, East European Studies, East European and Balkan Institute, Center for International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 28, 209-239.
- 2010 Language Integration in Texas Czech Newspaper, In Krčmová, M. (ed.), Integration in Languages – Languages in Integration. Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 201-215.
- 2010 Study Abroad Strategies of Language Teaching, American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Newsletter.
- 2009 Vernacular Writing and a Sociolinguistic Change in the Texas Czech Community, by E. Eckert & K. Hannan, Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 87-161.
- 2008 Community “Translation” in the Immigrant Press. In C. Cravens, M. U. Fidler, S. C. Kresin (eds.). Between Texts, Languages, and Cultures: A Festschrift for M. H. Heim. Bloomington: Slavica Publ, 81-95.