Einat Adar, Ph.D.
Letenská 5, Prague 1

Adar earned her PhD in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures from Charles University, where she produced a thesis on Samuel Beckett’s life-long engagement with the philosophy of George Berkeley.
Adar’s work has been published in the essay collections Gallows Humour (2020) and Translating Samuel Beckett around the World (2021), as well as the journals Partial Answers and Estudios Irlandeses. She is also the co-editor, together with Galina Kiryushina and Mark Nixon, of Samuel Beckett and Technology (2021).
Adar holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature and Philosophy and an M.A. in English Literature and American Studies from Tel Aviv University. Her research interests include Samuel Beckett, Flann O’Brien, Irish modernism, and philosophy.
literature and philosophy, literary theory, literary modernism, Irish modernism
- Beckett and Technology. Eds. Galina Kiryushina, Einat Adar, and Mark Nixon, Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
- “Beckett in ‘A Distant Place’: Early Translations in Hebrew”, in Beckett and the Languages of the World, Eds. Pascale Sardin and José Francisco Fernández, Springer, 2021. Co-written with Dr. Ronen Sonis.
- “The essential inherent interior essence: The Third Policeman and early modern ontologies”, in Gallows Humour, Eds. Ruben Borg and Paul Fagan, Cork University Press, 2020.
- “From Irish Philosophy to Irish Theatre: The Blind (Wo)Man Made to See.” Estudios Irlandeses 12. 2017: 1-11.
- “‘I forgot half the words’: Samuel Beckett’s Molloy as Minor Literature.” Partial Answers 14:1. 2016: 21-31.