Angel Hoekstra, PhD

Lecturer, Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning, Academic Tutoring Center Supervisor Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences, Academic Tutoring Center

Letenska 120/5,
Prague 1


Dr. Angel Hoekstra is an American, a Christian, a wife, mother, sister, friend, and sociology professor. She taught for ten years at the University of Colorado in Boulder before moving to Prague in 2016. Dr. Hoekstra taught Social Psychology in 2018-2019 at Univerzita Karlovo, and now teaches two courses at AAU: Introduction to Sociology and Social Psychology. In her off hours, she enjoys reading, running, and building Legos with her husband and two children.


Social psychology; Scholarship of teaching and learning; Qualitative methods; Teaching with Technologies

Professional development events directed by Dr. Hoekstra:

  • Faculty Discussion: What is Personalized Learning? Specific Strategies. 2024.
  • Faculty Discussion: Understanding ChatGPT, Turn.It.In and (potential) Student Plagiarism. 2023.
  • Faculty Workshop: NEO Online Learning Platform. Co-hosted with V. Fomina. 2023.
  • Faculty Workshop: Managing Conflict in the Classroom. 2023.
  • Faculty Workshop. Active Learning: Methods for Getting Students Engaged. 2022.


  • Hoekstra, Angel. 2023. “Symbolic technologies: Devices that connected (and challenged) us during the pandemic.” Chapter in Anglo-American University in the time of COVID 2020-2022: Alma Mater Semper Viva. AAU Publishing.
  • Hoekstra, Angel. 2020. “Insights on the Pandemic from Abroad.” ASA FOOTNOTES, Special Issue, Sociologists and Sociology During COVID-19. May/June 2020, 48(3).
  • Hoekstra, Angel. 2015. “Because you don’t realize how many people have different experiences than you: Effects of Clicker Use for Class Discussions in Sociology.”  Teaching Sociology, 43(1): 53-60.
  • Hoekstra, Angel. 2013. “Answering the Diversity Question in the Academic Job Interview.” Teaching and Learning Matters: ASA’s Newsletter for the Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology, 41(3), spring 2013.
  • Duncan, Douglas K., Hoekstra, Angel R., and Wilcox, Bethany R.  2012.  “Digital Devices, Distraction and Student Performance: Does In-class Cell Phone Use Reduce Learning?” Astronomy Education Review, 11, 010108-1.
  • Hoekstra, Angel and Stefanie Mollborn. 2011. “How Clicker Use Facilitates Existing Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education: Data from Interdisciplinary Research on Student Response Systems.” Learning, Media, and Technology, 33(4).
  • Mollborn, Stefanie and Angel Hoekstra. 2010.  “A Meeting of Minds: Using Clickers for Critical Thinking and Discussion in Large Sociology Courses.”  Teaching Sociology, 38(1): 18-27.  Reviewed in March 2010: #1 on the list of most read of all TS articles.
  • Hoekstra, Angel. 2010. “Using Clickers in Sociology Courses.”  Teaching and Learning Matters: ASA’s Newsletter for the Section on Teaching and Learning in Sociology, 39(2), Fall 2010.
  • Hoekstra, Angel. 2008. “Vibrant Student Voices: Exploring Effects of the Use of Clickers in Large College Classrooms.” Learning, Media, and Technology, 33(4): 329-341.