doc. Zuzana Chytková, Ph.D.
Letenska 5

Zuzana Chytkova is an experienced lecturer and researcher, who focuses on consumer behavior, qualitative research methods, and social marketing (marketing techniques applied to tackling social issues). In her research, she studies the symbolic and socio-historical aspects of consumer behavior. She has participated in multiple academic and non-academic research projects both nationally and internationally, presented her research at numerous conferences and published in various academic journals.
Selected Publications
- Lucarelli, Andrea; Fuschillo, Gregorio; Chytkova, Zuzana (2021). “How cyber political brands emerge: a socio-material analysis of the Italian Five Star movement and the Czech pirate party.” European Journal of Marketing. 4:55; 1130-1154.
- Chytková, Zuzana (2020). Český spotřebitel a šetrnost v době krize. Zlín: VeRBuM. 3 Chytkova, Zuzana (2016). “Reflexive habitus and consumption: Negotiation and (re)stabilization of social class in Czech Republic.” Advances in Consumer Research. Association for Consumer Research, 96.
- Chytkova, Zuzana, Brogaard Kristensen, Dorthe (2016). “The Health-Related Market in Czech Republic and Denmark: An Exploration of Consumption Experiences.” Central European Business Review. 5:3, 38–51.
- Tahal, Radek, Chytkova, Zuzana and Marek Novinsky (2016). “The Effect of Socioeconomic Classes on the Subjective Perception of Economic Situation.” Studia commercialia Bratislavensia. 9:33, 102-112.
- Chytková, Zuzana, Jitka Černá, and Miroslav Karlíček (2015). „Marketing and the Symbolic Value of a Performing Arts Institution: The Case Study of the Czech National Theatre.” Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences. 30:7, 25-33.
- Askegaard, Søren, Nailya Ordabayeva, Pierre Chandon, Tracy Cheung, Zuzana Chytkova, Yann Cornil, Canan Corus et al. (2014). “Moralities in food and health research.” Journal of Marketing Management. 30:17/18, 1800-1832.
- Karlíček, Miroslav, Zuzana Chytková, Ladislav Tyll, and Hana Mohelská (2014). “Barriers of marketing effectiveness and efficiency within companies: a qualitative study.” E + M Ekonomie a Management. 4:17, 111-124.
- Karlíček, Miroslav, Zuzana Chytková, Nikola Hořejš, Hana Mohelská, and Jakub Fischer (2013). “The Role of Marketing in Multinational Subsidiaries: Standardization versus Localization.” E + M Ekonomie a Management. 16:1, 138-148.
- Karlíček, Miroslav, Zuzana Chytková, and Jakub Fischer (2013). “The Role of Marketing in Corporations within the Post Communist Context: Perceptions of Marketing Managers in Czech Corporations.” Studia Commercialia Bratislavensia. 6:21, 45-55.
- Chytkova, Zuzana and Dannie Kjeldgaard (2011). The Modern Woman Myth as a Means of Cosmopolitan Cultural Capital Accumulation: A Gendered Acculturation Perspective. In eds. Belk, R.W., Muñiz, A., Schau, H. J. and Grayson, K. Research in Consumer Behavior Volume 13, Emerald Publishing.
- Chytkova, Zuzana (2011). Consumer acculturation, gender and food: Romanian women in Italy between tradition and modernity, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 14: 3, 267 – 291.