doc. Jakub Jirsa, Ph.D.
Letenská 5, Prague 1

Jakub Jirsa holds his PhD in Philosophy from the Central European University. He was Jan Patočka Visiting Fellow at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Wien) and visiting scholar at the Faculty of Classics (University of Cambridge). Jakub Jirsa publishes on ancient philosophy as well as modern ethics and political philosophy; see his profile on Google Scholar or He has co-authored and edited several volumes including Obec a duše. K Platónově praktické filosofie (2014), On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities (2023), Přístupy k etice III (2016) or Idea university (2015).
Ethics, Political Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy
Recent publications (selected):
- Jirsa, Jakub (ed.), On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities, Karolinum, Praha 2023.
- On Universities and Contemporary Society: The Issue of Trust, in: V. Kolman, T. Murár (eds.), Devouring One’s Own Tail: Autopoiesis in Perspective, Karolinum, Praha 2022, 228-247.
- The Sublunary Domain (Chapters 2–3,392a31–393a8), in: P. Gregorić, G. Karamanolis (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo (On the Cosmos), Cambridge University Press 2020, 62-79.
- The concept of ὅρος between Aristotle’s two Ethics, Listy filologické 144, 1-2, 2021, 7-41.
- The Structure of Courage in the Laches, Meno and Protagoras, Elenchos, vol. 42, no. 1, 2021, pp. 143-164.
- Dialog „Kritón“. Lze přemlouvat zákony? Filosofický časopis 68, 2020/3, 387-406.
- Kdo je Alkibiadés? O různých identitách v dialogu Alkibiadés větší. Reflexe, 2019 (57), 5-33.
- Divine Activity and Human Life. Rhizomata, 2017, 5 (2), 210-238.
- Jakub Jirsa (ed.), Přístupy k etice III, Filosofia, Praha 2016.