School of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences

Simone Weissenberger
Lecturer, Psychology Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences simone.weissenberger@aauni.edu
Václav Linkov
Adjunct Lecturer, cross-cultural and indigenous psychology Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences vaclav.linkov@aauni.edu
Victoria Saraceno, Ed.D.
Vice Dean, School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences victoria.saraceno@aauni.edu
MgA., MgA. Lea Petříková, PhD
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences lea.petrikova@aauni.edu
Mgr. Milena Ferenčíková, B.A.
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences milena.ferencikova@aauni.edu
Dragan Dragin
Lecturer, School of Journalism, Media and Visual Arts Journalism, Media & Visual Arts dragan.dragin@gmail.com
Ilona Floriánová-Šaršonová
Adjunct Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ilona.florianova@aauni.edu
Asya Kibko
School Coordinator Humanities & Social Sciences, Journalism, Media & Visual Arts asya.kibko@aauni.edu
Mohamed Badredine Tachouche, Ph.D.
Adjunct Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences badr.tachouche@aauni.edu
Doc. PhDr. Josef Záruba-Pfeffermann, PhD.
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences josef.zaruba@aauni.edu
PhDr. Monika MacDonagh-Pajerová
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Monika.Pajerova@aauni.edu
MgA. Barry Yuk Bun Wan, Ph.D. LLCM FLCM
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences barry.wan@aauni.edu
PhDr. Katerina Prusova, Ph.D.
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences katerina.prusova@aauni.edu
Dr. Joseph Dodds, Ph.D. CPsychol CSci
Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences joseph.dodds@aauni.edu
Angel Hoekstra, PhD
Lecturer, Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning, Academic Tutoring Center Supervisor Academic Tutoring Center, Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL), Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Angel.Hoekstra@aauni.edu
Ewa Żurakowska, Ph.D
Lecturer, School of Journalism, Media & Visual Arts Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ewa.zurakowska@aauni.edu
Karen Grunow-Hårsta, Ph.D.
Dean, Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences karen.grunow@aauni.edu
Seth Rogoff
Lecturer, Chair of the Department of Journalism & Media Studies Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences seth.rogoff@aauni.edu
Gerald Power, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Chair of Department of History and Philosophy Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences gerald.power@aauni.edu
Prof. Ondřej Pilný, Ph.D.
Distinguished Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ondrej.pilny@aauni.edu
Vidhu Maggu, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer Business, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences vidhu.maggu@aauni.edu
Doc. Jiří Kašný, Th.D.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophical and Religious Studies Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences jiri.kasny@aauni.edu
Pavla Jonssonová, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences pavla.jonssonova@aauni.edu
Andrew Giarelli, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences andrew.giarelli@aauni.edu
Alena Foustková, M.F.A.
Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences alena.foustkalena@aauni.edu
William Eddleston, Ph.D.
Chair of the Department of International Relations, Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences william.eddleston@aauni.edu
Prof. Eva Eckert, Ph.D.
Distinguished Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences eva.eckert@aauni.edu
Mgr. Karolina Dolanská, Ph.D.
Chair of Visual Art Studies Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences karolina.dolanska@aauni.edu
Stephan Barrett Delbos, Ph.D.
Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences stephan.delbos@aauni.edu
MgA. Veronika Šrek Bromová
Senior Lecturer Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences veronika.bromova@aauni.edu
Theodore A. Turnau, Ph.D., M.Div.
Senior Lecturer, Chair of the Department of Arts, Culture, and Literature Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ted.turnau@aauni.edu
Robert Warren, M.A.
Lecturer International Relations and Diplomacy, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences robert.warren@aauni.edu
prof. PhDr. Milada Polišenská, CSc.
Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Provost Emerita International Relations and Diplomacy, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences milada.polisenska@aauni.edu