Public International Law

Course NamePublic International Law
Course CodeLEG246
DescriptionThis course will introduce students to the concepts of international law, focusing not only on the legal relationship between countries, but also on the roles of the United Nations, international nongovernmental organizations, and individuals in international relations and law. Focusing primarily on the Twentieth Century, students will gain an understanding of the sources of international law and how international law has developed, with particular emphasis on the role that international events, such as the World Wars and the Cold War, played in the development of international law. This course will cover areas such as human rights, the laws of war and conflict, environmental law, the roles of international and domestic courts in international law, treaties and legal agreements between countries. The “real-world” implications and applications of international law will be a priority so that students will gain a deeper understanding of the impact of law on individuals, groups of people, and society.
Learning OutcomesUpon completion of this course, students should be able to:
– Describe the principal sources of international law and explain how these have come into being;
– Make effective use of relevant cases and treaties in support of legal arguments in relevant cases and situations;
– Use appropriate legal terminology and language with reasonable confidence and accuracy;
– Compare and contrast international law and domestic law;
– Identify the types of jurisdiction courts have over places and persons; – Understand how disputes and conflicts can be resolved between countries through different mechanisms (such as through courts, diplomatic negotiations, and mediation through international organizations);
– Have awareness of how political realities, including historical contexts, religious and cultural beliefs, and economic factors, can impact international law.
SchoolJohn H. Carey II School of Law
Number of credits (US / ECTS)3 US / 6 ECTS