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Welcome to Anglo-American University!

Congratulations on your admission to Anglo-American University. We are delighted to welcome you to our international community.

Our goal is to help new students with their transition into the AAU community. We empower students and families with the skills, knowledge, and resources to be successful at AAU socially and academically from day one.

New Student Checklist

  • Pay tuition for your first semester
  • Apply for visa
  • Contact the nostrification specialist for assistance 
  • Reserve your space in AAU Housing (or make your local housing arrangements)
  • Start the diploma recognition process
  • Activate and access your AAU accounts (email, NEO, Microsoft Teams)
  • Complete the Entry Level Assessments
  • Meet with your academic advisor and register for classes
  • Electronically sign the University-Student Agreement (it will be sent to you at your personal email)
  • Submit a verified copy of your diploma(s) and transcript(s) to the Registrar Office 
  • Participate in New Student Orientation
  • Get to know Prague
  • Start classes!

Getting Started

  • Pay tuition for your first semester. 
    Questions? Contact Admissions Office at
  • Review the visa information sent by the Admissions Office via email. Please review this link in detail as well.
    Questions about visa or the diploma recognition process? Contact Admissions Office at
  • Contact nostrification specialist, Romana Marková, at, if you plan on pursuing Czech accreditation path.
    • Graduate nostrification instructions can be found here.
  • Apply for housing and pay the housing deposit. For more see here.

Start the Diploma Recognition Process

This process allows students to be admitted to a Czech-accredited program, in addition to the US accreditation. It is conducted in-house as part of the admissions process and comes with several benefits, including greater efficiency and no cost to the student. Please note that only students who have already graduated high school (BA applicants) or completed a bachelor’s degree program (MA applicants) may start the process, as the first step is collecting the required documents. The Admissions Office can assist with this, even before the applicant graduates from their current program. Contact them at or find more details here.

Get Ready for Classes

Accessing your AAU Accounts

Once you are admitted and have completed tuition payment for the first semester, you will receive an email before the start of the semester from the IT department with your login information: 

  • how to log in to your University email (Gmail)
  • how to access NEO LMS (e-learning system)
  • how to log in to your Office 365 account, which you will need to access Microsoft Teams (used for online classes)
  • how to connect to wifi on AAU campus

Entry Level Assessments

All new AAU students must take the Entry Level Assessment of Written Communication (Students in the School of Business Administration must also take a Mathematics Placement test).  The assessment has two primary goals:

(1) to conduct an analysis of skills in areas of language, reading comprehension and writing skills and 

(2) placement in the appropriate Composition course level (COM 099, COM 101, COM 102). 

The assessment is ungraded, meaning it does not affect your GPA. However, as it is used for placement, it should be taken seriously. You can find the assessment under your courses in NEO. The assessment must be completed as soon as possible after you receive the instructions from the Admissions Office via email.

Select and register for your classes

The Assistant Dean of your School of Study will be your academic advisor during your time at AAU.  Based on the study program you have selected, you will select classes at the times and dates that fit you best. Please note that you can complete registration only after completing tuition payment and Entry Level Assessments. For details about advising and registration, check the email that you got from the Admissions Office. For more questions please contact

  • For Fall semester registration begins in May
  • For Spring semester registration begins in November

You can find each term’s class schedule/ timetable here.

Plan for arrival

You can find the overview of our Academic Calendar here.

  • Electronically sign the University-Student Agreement (it will be sent to you at your personal email before the start of the semester).
  • Submit a verified copy of your diploma(s) and transcript(s) to the Registrar Office as indicated in the Admissions Policy.
  • Start the diploma recognition process. 

Cash is Key

The currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech crown (or koruna).  Make sure to have some crowns on hand for the first few days! To take out the money in the city it is recommended to use bank ATMs (Raifeissen, Fio, etc.) versus the Euronet ATMs (marked with yellow/ blue stripes) which charge high transaction fees. If you are planning to convert money from your home currency, AAU suggests eXChange LTC located in Kaprova 14/13, 110 00 Josefov, which offers good exchange rates and is located in Prague 1, close to AAU. Before you leave your home country do not forget to contact your bank and inform them that you will be travelling to the Czech Republic. This will help to prevent charges made here from being flagged and ensure that your card continues to work as usual.

AAU Student ID Card

Your student card, also known as ISIC, will be ready for pick-up at the Registrar Office once classes start. With the student card, you will receive various discounts around the city, including discounts on phone plans and transportation, and for printing on campus. You can contact the Registrar Office at once classes start to see if it is ready for pickup. To see all ISIC discounts in the Czech Republic, see here

Public Transportation

Prague’s public transportation is one of the best in the world operating on the metro, tram, and bus lines. The Metro has three lines; green, yellow, and red, with AAU being located on the green line. Several trams serve AAU as well. Your ISIC allows for the purchase of discounted monthly/yearly transportation tickets. Learn more at We recommend all of our students get PID Litacka App, it is an easy and convenient way to purchase tickets and passes and it is always on your phone!

Phone Plans

AAU recommends the Vodafone student plan. You will be able to utilize this plan in all European countries without roaming charges. Once you arrive in Prague you can head to a Vodafone retailer to purchase, with most associates being able to assist in English.

Move to Prague

Welcome! The Czech Republic, along with the city of Prague, consistently rank among the top ten safest countries/cities in the world. You will find that many Czechs speak at least a bit of English, which will help you to get around and feel welcome in the city. 

Arriving in Prague

When you arrive at Prague airport, you can take an Uber, Bolt, or public transportation to your dormitory or apartment. An Uber from the airport should cost between 300-500 Czech Koruna ($15-$25). AAU recommends taking caution if opting to use a taxi as rates tend to be inflated.

Moving into AAU Housing

Check-in dates for AAU housing can be found here. If you need to make special arrangements for a different check-in date, please contact  

Approximately two weeks before the official check-in date, you will receive an email from AAU Housing and you will be asked to fill in your check-in information. Please do not forget to fill in this information as it ensures a smooth check-in.

Approximately one week before your arrival, you will receive all necessary information for your arrival, such as how to get from the airport, how to check-in, and more.

On the day of your arrival, our partners from Zeitraum Student Housing will help you with your check-in. 

Check-in starts at 3 p.m. If you come before 3 p.m and your room is ready for move-in by the time of your arrival, you may check-in earlier. On the other hand, if you arrive after 7 p.m, do not worry, your key and everything you need will be given to you by the security guard.

If you are staying at AAU housing you will also be registered at the Czech Foreign Police so you do not have to do it yourself. One more thing to cross off your “to-do list.” :)

Please take a look at our Housing FAQs which cover everything from what to bring, what is included, roommate information, and more. If you find out there is something missing and you have any questions, please contact

New Student Orientation 

During New Student Orientation, freshmen will get to know AAU, connect with their peers, and meet experienced students and staff. They will gain insight into the expectations of their study programs, learn how to prepare for and participate in classes, and discover where to find academic and career support. Students will also explore ways to engage in student life and much more. 

New Student Mentors

Our New Student Mentors are existing AAU students who welcome new students and help them adjust to both AAU and Prague by answering questions and offering advice based on their experience. In other words, they help new students to develop into successful AAU students. If you are interested in having a new student mentor or becoming one, please contact Markéta Fillingerová at

Getting to Know AAU and Prague

Check out our tips in the New Student Guide linked below or on our Life in Prague page.

Follow the AAU Student Council Instagram for weekly takeovers to get an idea of what your future student life will be like.

You are also encouraged to explore events hosted by AAU as you get to know us better. Check out what’s coming up at AAU. 

Helpful Resources