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Bilateral Recognition Scholarship

The Bilateral Recognition Scholarship aims to support undergraduate students holding certain secondary school diplomas recognized in Czechia by bilateral agreement. It is reserved exclusively for students holding one of the diplomas below.

Eligible Diplomas

  • Czech high school diploma (“vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce”)
  • German high school diploma (“Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife”)
  • Hungarian high school diploma (“érettségi bizonyítvány”)
  • Polish high school diploma (“świadectwo dojrzałości”)
  • Slovak high school diploma (“vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške”)
  • Slovenian high school diploma (“Spričevalo o Splošni/Poklicni maturi”)
  • European Baccalaureate diploma

Scholarship Amount and Distribution Options

The Bilateral Recognition Scholarship may be applied in one of two ways:

  • The recipient may receive 66 000 CZK per degree disbursed in the amount of 11 000 CZK per semester. This covers the first 90 US credit hours attempted and up to three years of study. Students must enroll in 5 courses per semester for the first six semesters. 
  • Alternatively, the recipient may choose to study the fifth semester for free—a value of up to 109 200 CZK (depending on the number of courses registered)
Distribution OptionScholarship Amount (CZK)Disbursement DetailsApplication ProcessCoverage Duration
Fixed Semester Discount66 000 (11 000 per semester)Applied directly to tuition feesNo separate application is required; awarded at admission upon the dean’s recommendationUp to 3 years
Fifth Semester Free109 200 (5th semester)Full tuition waiver for the 5th semesterNo separate application is required; awarded at admission upon the dean’s recommendationOne semester (5th semester)

The Bilateral Recognition Scholarship is awarded at the time of admission upon recommendation by the Dean’s Office following a successful interview. No special application is required.

Please note that this scholarship is open to students commencing their degree program in the fall of 2024 or later.

This scholarship can be combined with other scholarships.

For inquiries or additional information regarding our scholarship programs, feel free to reach out to us at Our dedicated team is here to assist you and ensure that you have all the necessary information to make informed decisions about your educational journey at AAU.