Matthew Ralston

2011 Alumnus
MA Business Administration
Washington-state native Matthew Ralston moved to Prague in 2009 to get his MBA at AAU- after all he is part Czech. In 2011, he wrapped up the MBA program graduating with honours.
My wife Amanda and I love to travel. The AAU Prague Program was easier, faster, more convenient and more fun than getting an MBA in the USA. I like good beer, too!
He’s worked for OC Register and Quicksilver in California, Project Syndicate Prague, and now now he’s back in Edmonds (WA) working as a Strategic Partnership Manager for Nordstrom- North America’s leading luxury department store. Aside from living in Edmonds and Prague, he has also lived in Vienna, and Zhuhai, China. He likes a good surf and to flex his creative side whether its through doodling, creating beats or editing videos on the side.
If you could teach a class at AAU, what would you teach?
Digital marketing, social media marketing and strategic partnerships.
What is one thing a teacher taught to you that you took to heart the most?
It sounds trite, but follow your passion, then you’ll never work a day in your life. After that, take care of your money. Look long term and save.
What would be your dream job?
Professional surfer, graphic designer, comedian, videographer or photographer.
What was the biggest turning point in your life?
Studying and working abroad. Spending time in the ocean. Hip hop music. Having kids.
If you could invent an app, what would it be and why?
An app that helps you disconnect, that helps people engage face to face, enjoy nature and be in the moment.
If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be? What topics would you discuss?
Either Mick Jagger, Andre 3000, Jack Black, or Daft Punk. All are very savvy as businessmen, musicians and entertainers.
What are three books/ films/ series that influenced your way of thinking the most?
Heavy question. I love pop culture. For books it’d be Jack Kerouac’s „One The Road“ and Ernest Hemingway’s „The Sun Also Rises.“ For movies it’d be „Stand By Me,“ „Snatch,“ „Baraka,“ and Thomas Campbell’s „Sprout.“
When you arrive in a new country, what do you think are the most important or interesting things to engage with first?
Everything! A great place for my family, in a great location. Local shops and restaurants. Bars and coffee shops. Parks. Any festivals or celebrations. All of it!
If you could write an article the whole world could read, what topic would you write about?
How to just be in the moment and enjoy, take care of yourself and be nice to people.
What kind of job did you think or hope you would have when you were a child?A professional rollerblader, an NBA player, or a cartoonist.